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Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.
We suffer only until we realize that we can't know anything.
Only a Woman, divine, could know all that a woman can suffer.
Those who have courage to love should have courage to suffer.
Suffering over something is proof positive of its importance.
The life of an unenlightened person is filled with suffering.
We are never so defensless against suffering as when we love.
So you would rather suffer an injustice than do an injustice?
The High Septon once told me that as we sin, so do we suffer.
Where the greater malady is fixed, The lesser is scarce felt.
Nothing is here in this world that is of any interest at all.
All the suffering and joy we experience depend on conditions.
When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up.
I believe in the power of every human being to end suffering.
Nirvana is the pure and perfect schness of thatness of being.
If you don't co-operate you're gonna suffer from fistophobia.
Earth's a howling wilderness, Truculent with fraud and force.
Racism was never acceptable to the people who suffer from it.
Suffering is also good, it makes a person rich in charachter.
Who will not suffer labor in this world, let him not be born.
There are times when sorrow seems to me to be the only truth.
Sometimes shows suffer from having many cooks in the kitchen.
Legalism is nothing but a leader's way of avoiding suffering.
Most plants taste better when they've had to suffer a little.
The web of life, love, suffering and death unites all beings.
When there is pain, there are no words. All pain is the same.
What suffering has taught me is the uselessness of suffering.
Because all my life I've learned to suffer in silence - Athena
Scholarship that is indifferent to human suffering is immoral.
I remind myself that my pain is not unique. Everybody suffers.
Suffering, if it is accepted together, borne together, is joy.
Suffering is a call for inquiry, all pain needs investigation.
When urbanity decays, civilization suffers and decays with it.
Being is a fiction invented by those who suffer from becoming.
Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
As long as there are people suffering, how can I not be happy?
He who seeks ecstasy in love should not complain of suffering.
Even the damned in hell have the community of their suffering.
I always seem to suffer some loss of faith on entering cities.
How cruel my suffering is,—no one is more talkative than I am!
We are the ones who suffer when we hold on to past grievances.
You can't use your camera as a shield against human suffering.
Chance has never yet satisfied the hope of a suffering people.
It's fashionable to be indifferent to other people's suffering
The poor are the only ones who suffer. And they're used to it.
Suffering attracts fixers the way road-kills attract vultures.
Youth might be wise; we suffer less from pains than pleasures.
Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were behind you.
It's necessary to use suffering. Otherwise, one is used by it.
No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted.