It is dishonest the way that people suddenly think they've found guitars, and wear their guitar as a badge.

I've been quite a late developer on the clothes front, but I've suddenly realised it is one of life's joys.

Isn't it so weird the day you wake up and you're just going with the flow? And you just suddenly are a mom.

With 'Gone Girl,' I sat down, and suddenly the end credits were rolling; you just become so engrossed in it.

Suddenly, you are very much in the present, and you learn it's really the place where you should always live.

You think that adulthood will hit and you'll suddenly be more capable. But that doesn't happen, ever, does it?

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.

Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.

Suddenly, I realised: this was what I wanted to do. I didn't know how to do it; I just knew acting felt right.

As humans, we're so easily persuaded. We join this cause or that cause, and suddenly the other thing is wrong.

I just really am trying, trying, all the time. But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control.

The confidence that we Indians are suddenly infused with while doing something wrong is absolutely commendable.

Winning is very addictive, that's why it's very hard when suddenly - boom - you are not the favorites any more.

Suddenly in high school, I'm in a predominantly Jewish atmosphere. Jewish people were my gate to white America.

It's always interesting when you play a part and then suddenly people think you're an authority on the subject.

One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.

If my own current husband was suddenly a stay-at-home dad, it would be emasculating. That would be hard for me.

It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal.

You wake up one day and suddenly realize that your youth is behind you, even though you're still young at heart.

'Home And Away' was my first big break. I was already a fan of the show, so to suddenly be on it was really good.

You are being hit with tabloid-journalism bi-lines of what you are doing because you have suddenly become a star.

I don't think the very fact that I'm a woman makes me suddenly more vulnerable or more inherently used and abused.

I was 30 before I realized, you know, that I probably was an accident. These things just suddenly hit you one day.

What I really want is a commercial hit. If you're in a hit, you're suddenly a star, whether you acted well or not.

In this new age of GPS, Google Earth and multidimensional digital maps, mapping is suddenly hugely relevant again.

These days, it takes only seconds - seconds - for a picture, a photo, to suddenly become an international headline.

A crash really occurs when you suddenly have a violent downturn in the market that then heralds a long bull market.

I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing.

I watch 'Goodfellas,' and suddenly it frees me up entirely; it reminds me of what great film directing is all about.

It is a hidden fear that somehow, if they are only given a chance, women will suddenly do as they have been done by.

I often meet adults in their 30s, 40s, or 50s who, as soon as they recognize me, suddenly become six years old again.

I don't know why I'm suddenly playing nasty people. It is very fun, though, and it isn't real, at the end of the day.

I suppose I've always lived in my own head. I didn't discover boys till sixth form. Then suddenly it was, 'Oh! Boys!'

But once you become active in something, something happens to you. You get excited and suddenly you realize you count.

When I started working on 'Michael And Michael,' it was my life for three to four months, and then suddenly it's gone.

I'd never really babysat. I feel like I'm Blair, or 'Gossip Girl.' A teenager, basically - and now suddenly I'm a mom?

It is because my dad died suddenly that I became an actor. I thought, I'm going to make money doing this thing I enjoy.

When I was 18, I suddenly became very, very religious. I became an evangelical Christian; I was celibate for five years.

I never give up on anything, because you come back around, and suddenly the thing you thought you'd never do is relevant.

I was a grad student at UC Berkeley when I bought my Apple II and it suddenly because a lot more interesting than school.

Every time that I wanted to give up, if I saw an interesting textile, print what ever, suddenly I would see a collection.

As a little girl, I got to meet Audrey Hepburn, who took my face in her hands and suddenly make me want to be an actress.

I am not worried that the Egyptians will suddenly invade Ethiopia. Nobody who has tried that has lived to tell the story.

When things are going well, they start saying you're the best, but as soon as things go wrong, suddenly you are the worst.

Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenly we wake up and see all the mistakes we have made.

You suddenly find yourself somewhere and you wonder, how did I get in this room? That happens to me all the time, every day!

Judy Blume excels at describing how it feels to be invisible. So how poetic is it that Blume herself is suddenly everywhere?

There is a sense that animated movies are suddenly a genre. I just don't believe they are; it's a technique to tell a story.

When I'm a brunette, it's four times harder to hail a taxi. Then I go blonde again, and suddenly there are taxis everywhere.

When I was outed by Perez Hilton as bisexual, I suddenly started being asked personal questions, which was really difficult.

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