The artist's task is to become a successful eccentric, a strange but wise duck able to venture out of solitary confinement and mingle among society.

The successful editor is one who is constantly finding newwriters, nurturing their talents, and publishing them with critical and financial success.

The secret of successful people lies in their ability to discover their strengths and to organize their life so that these strengths can be applied.

The idea that it is necessary to go to a university in order to become a successful writer . . . is one of those fantasies that surround authorship.

It is a human inclination to hope things will work out, despite evidence or doubt to the contrary. A successful manager must resist this temptation.

Work diligently. Diligently. Work patiently and persistently. Patiently and persistently. And you're bound to be successful. Bound to be successful.

The secret to a successful career in virtually any field is good public relations. Forget results. Forget the facts. Perception is all that matters.

It would be right to state that, with the successful flight of the XR-4 in the summer of 1942, the helicopter became a reality in the United States.

If you consistently and persistently do the things that other successful people do, nothing in the world can stop you from being a big success also.

By the time they get to 6th grade honor roll students won't risk making a mistake, and sometimes to be successful, you have to risk making mistakes.

As a kid, chess was the first thing I studied in a structured way that helped me gain the discipline to study medicine and become successful doctor.

I've made 30 movies and for the most part my movies work. In a business where success is an exception and not the rule, I've mostly been successful.

You know, women are burdened with all this other crap all the time, like looking good. You need to be really superhuman to be successful as a woman.

Successful people form the habit of doing what failures don't like to do. They like the results they get by doing what they don't necessarily enjoy.

I know I'm never going to be as successful as my dad, but I get bored doing nothing. I couldn't go from vacation to vacation and have no motivation.

Die Hard 2 was okay. It was a little outside the template but it was okay, a hard movie to make technically. Did well at the box office. Successful.

Successful actors and actresses have to get themselves into their roles before acting. Therefore, you need to really care about what you are saying.

The most effective strategy for successful living is really no strategy at all. It is, rather, to be real, to be honest, to be authentic, to be you.

In fact, NSF was the leading successful efforts to improve U.S. math and science education long before the Department of Education was even created.

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.

It is not coincidence that at Barcelona we have low-key lifestyles and we have been successful. We know we are football players and not movie stars.

It is a tough business but if you get yourself in a situation like I, you can maintain a career over many years. That, to me, is a successful actor.

We all know that Ray Kroc founded the McDonald's franchise back in the 1950s, and it then became the most successful business enterprise in history.

Dr. Einstein was not successful in school, but he found something in the air from his own imagination and his own brain power, and look what he did.

I do believe that God blessed me in life with a wonderful family, a successful career, and a loving marriage, and remain thankful for that blessing.

Read obituaries. They are just like biographies, only shorter. They remind us that interesting, successful people rarely lead orderly, linear lives.

Truly visionary and successful companies have discovered that there is no conflict between the pursuit of profit and having a pursuit beyond profit.

It is not enough to give money for demonstration projects. From the very beginning plans should be made for the scaling-up of successful innovations.

The perfect state of creative bliss is having power (you are 50) and knowing nothing (you are 9). This assures an interesting and successful outcome.

I believe four ingredients are necessary for happiness: health, warm personal relations, sufficient means to keep you from want, and successful work.

No enterprise, small or large, public or private, can remain self-governing, let alone successful, so deeply in hock to others as we are about to be.

I try to associate myself as just being myself - and being a person, an American citizen, going out there every day and just trying to be successful.

I want to see the numbers that prove that show-business marriages are any less successful than other marriages. It's just very public when they fail.

There were days when we used to say, what was in today's paper is tomorrow's fish-and-chip paper.When I became successful, I enjoyed myself a little.

So successful has been the camera's role in beautifying the world that photographs, rather than the world, have become the standard of the beautiful.

I'm a catalyst for change. You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place.

There are a lot of people who think that's what's needed to be successful is always being right, always being careful, always picking the right path.

I feel the Conservatives are doing really well both in attracting votes from British Indians and also having successful British Indians in the party.

I'm not always successful. But I try to treat the people the way I want to be treated. I really try to keep that in mind, but it doesn't always work.

What I hope the most is to be more successful as a mother than in show business, because to be a mother is the most difficult I will ever have to do.

I always promised myself that if I was in position to be successful, I wouldn't take it for granted, because I know in the past how hard I've worked.

If you're successful, acting is about as soft a job as anybody could ever wish for. But if you're unsuccessful it's worse than having a skin disease.

Having a safe space to imagine and dream and (re)invent yourself is the first step to being happy and successful, whatever road you choose to pursue.

If the constitutional process is not brought to a successful conclusion before the European elections, then the whole process might run out of steam.

It's not about giving back if you're successful or a celebrity or how much money you have: it's about your responsibility as an adult to help others.

We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, contented and detached, miserable and mentally disordered, or whatever.

Now that I'm being very successful, publishers are trying to mainstream me, but I'm unabashedly genre. It's what I like to read, what I like to write

The most successful people recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation.

The capacity to creatively improvise is an important factor that differentiates successful companies - or teams - from those that are not successful.

There are two types of players: those who know and those who don’t. The smartest ones usually play the longest and [are] usually the most successful.

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