Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product.

That should be the measure of success for everyone. It's not money, it's not fame, it's not celebrity; my index of success is happiness.

I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire, I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do.

If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don't have a clear vision, no strategy will save you.

They're not willing to admit that I've also shed blood and tears and often paid dearly for my success. This makes me feel extremely sad.

The key to trading success is emotional discipline. If intelligence were the key, there would be a lot more people making money trading.

I think to be 'tough' means you look relaxed. So you have to be tough to win tournaments. But you don't want to be so tough on yourself.

I used to live an isolated existence, even in relationships, but now my family knows me for who I really am. Mostly, that's a good thing.

Unless a man has been taught what to do with success after getting it, the achievement of it must inevitably leave him a prey to boredom.

Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, 'what is the most valuable use of my time right now?'

Success requires strenuous effort, but it's a proven fact statistically that most people are as lazy as they dare to be and still get by.

The difficulty with businessmen entering politics, after they've had a successful business career, is that they want to start at the top.

The fundamental level of success is doing the hard things first - If you go for the feared thing first, then the rest of the day is easy.

The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.

The life without men praise and regard as successful is but one kind. Why should we exaggerate any one kind at the expense of the others?

I 'm grateful for the success that( husband) Bill and I have had, we both come from hard-working families. We both have worked very hard.

I feel that the most important requirement in success is learning to overcome failure. You must learn to tolerate it, but never accept it

There have been ups and downs, but it has taught us a lot in life. Going with the team through those ups and downs is a terrific journey.

Success will come about because you are in a higher state of mind. If you create good karma, then you will go into higher states of mind.

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

That you are fair or wise is vain, Or strong, or rich, or generous; You must have also the untaught strain That sheds beauty on the rose.

The only thing that I have done that is not mitigated by luck, diminished by good fortune, is that I persisted, and other people gave up.

All pains the immortal spirit must endure, All weakness that impairs, all griefs that bow, Find their sole voice in that victorious brow.

Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.

As a career, the business of an orthodox preacher is about as successful as that of a celluloid dog chasing an asbestos cat through hell.

You will find that success in life comes far easier when you maintain a cool head and a warm heart, rather than a hot head and cold feet.

Our GDP growth rates are creating - our high GDP growth rates, the success of our economy means we're creating lots of disposable income.

Before I go out on the field every day, I tell myself, 'You are having fun, and you want to set a good example to those who are watching.

The winners stun us not by their cleverness, but by the fact that every tiny aspect of the business is just a touch better than the norm.

If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.

I assert with confidence that the law of success, here and hereafter, is to have a humble and a prayerful heart, and to work, work, work.

You are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpturing is you (Dr. Joe Vitale)

On the road to success, even little stones may cause you fall down! If you are not serious and careful, forget about reaching your target!

Today, many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills.

The formula is simple - do more of what is working, do less of what isn't, and try on new behaviors to see if they produce better results.

I'm not one of those people who thinks they simply deserves success. I have the drive to work. Maybe that's why I've stayed on the fringe.

No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.

If you train yourself to listen to your intuition and to follow its bidding, you will greatly increase your percentage of success in life.

No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding and application of wise thought which counts.

Some of the secret joys of living are not found by rushing from point A to point B, but by inventing some imaginary letters along the way.

When you need advice- do you seek someone who has proven success or do you get advice from people who have never achieved what you desire?

What matters is working with a few close friends, people you respect, knowing that if times did turn bad these people would hold together.

When luck is on your side it is not the time to be modest or timid. It is the time to go for the biggest success you can possibly achieve.

We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.

Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.

I can have fun anywhere, as long as I'm with good people. But in the offseason, I like to go somewhere warm, a nice spot in the Caribbean.

If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.

This is an an abundant universe. Grasp your birthright. Success is a massive abundance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

I would imagine that most of the people who consider themselves successful aren't, at least in the ways that really matter-myself included.

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