I'm Mitt Romney-and yes Wolf, that's also my first name.

The US has a vital interest in that area of the country.

I be goofy, kinda funny. Acting stupid but they love me.

I would rather be stupid than pretend to be intelligent.

My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.

Simple doesn't mean stupid. Thinking that it does, does.

Maybe he thinks he can rescue me? No one is that stupid.

Pretend to be dumb, that's the only way to reach old age.

He was born stupid, and greatly increased his birthright.

But love is love. It makes you do terribly stupid things.

One stupid act of some stupid extremist puts us all down.

Science fiction tends to be philosophy for stupid people.

The world is more like it is now then it ever has before.

Almost makes you want to go to jail out here, doesn't it?

It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.

I believe in America. I'm one of those silly flag wavers.

I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.

What? Were you born stupid, or did you just die that way?

I've never seen a homeless guy with a bottle of Gatorade.

I am quite competitive. In stupid things like card games.

You'll go out of business if you think people are stupid.

There is nothing on earth so stupid as a gallant officer.

Life is tough, but if you are stupid, it's a lot tougher.

The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws.

That cracker made a lot of African-American millionaires.

This stupid sensitivity! But then women like sensitivity.

So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?

That's the key to comedy: allowing yourself to look stupid

Don't waste my time- I'm not stupid, and I'm not gullible.

Race and class are the easiest divisions. It's very stupid

Just because we're stupid doesn't mean everybody else was.

America, how can I write a holy litany in your silly mood?

Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

Do stupid stuff and even stupider suff will happen to you.

If you don't dissagree with me, how will I know I'm right?

If stupid hurt, the whole planet would be a world of pain.

I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones.

The only stupid thing about words is the spelling of them.

The smell of opium is the least stupid smell in the world.

Climb up the ladder! Climb up the ladder! Are you stupid?!

Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.

My motto is to keep it simple stupid, work smart not hard.

The dear, stupid body is as easily satisfied as a spaniel.

It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.

I get speaker's fees from time to time, but not very much.

Life is tough pilgrim, it is even tougher if you're stupid

Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.

Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980.

I do know dumb-ass questions when I see dumb-ass questions.

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