When you get older, keeping the private stuff private seems less important.

Mythology is much better stuff than history. It has form; logic; a message.

Flea and Anthony are into funk, like old school Meters and stuff like that.

I'm not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I'm just living my life.

Winners quit all the time. They just quit the right stuff at the right time.

I always have lots of zany ideas for promotional stuff as publication nears.

Usually you kind of give the President a pass on leaking confidential stuff.

I wasn't ever good enough to be on the baseball team and that sort of stuff.

Companies should be selling ideas more than benefits. Sell ideas. Not stuff.

I get recognized on the street and stuff, which is cool but it's also weird.

I feel like I work on scripts for comedy as well as dramatic stuff the same.

Selling more stuff to more people more often for more money more efficiently

Doing good stuff or stuff that you are proud of takes time and takes effort.

When I'm not working, I'm having fun with my son. We do lots of kids' stuff.

When you make stuff from the 'you' point of view, you really can't go wrong.

In this universe the top end is light and the bottom end is real hard stuff.

I see paintings everywhere. I look at stuff and it looks like painting to me.

I love Claw Money. They always send me stuff. I always wear their sweatpants.

There is stuff I would have liked to have done. But there are no sour grapes.

Asparagus is the best at de-bloating, since it helps flush out the bad stuff.

John Wayne treated me fine, but that macho stuff turns me off. It's not real.

I've heard that I'm 'the future of tennis.' But that's all just random stuff.

I'm one of those guys who likes to piddle around in the garage and fix stuff.

I'm very much more choosy now. I do stuff that I really, really, really like.

I like to go shopping, to the movies, all the girl stuff. Just a normal girl.

Borrowed eloquence, if it contains as good stuff, is as good as own eloquence

I'm a multi-tasker. I was down with that stuff before they invented the term.

Why would anyone say this stuff about themselves on the Internet? It's crazy!

If we pick recognition over influence we'll be known for all the wrong stuff.

I'm not a TV junkie outside of sports and history really and stuff like that.

I've always considered myself a filmmaker who writes stuff for himself to do.

I love the action stuff. Honestly, I like sci-fi and everything supernatural.

I've been to MTV and all of that worldly stuff. It's death. It's meaningless.

Confit is the ultimate comfort food, and trendy or not, it is dazzling stuff.

I would have remembered the good stuff. Nobody ever remembers the good stuff.

I try to make it look easy, but the behind-the-scenes stuff is the challenge.

I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you're so protected and isolated.

It's funny; as I get older I'm reverting to my roots - I want to plant stuff.

Ignorance ain't not knowin' stuff; ignorance is knowin' stuff that AIN'T TRUE.

I was a total punk. But I was still an outcast, even with the punks and stuff.

If you think I've got a lot of sponsors, you should see the stuff I turn down.

Just like the breakthroughs, the bad stuff always takes you by surprise. (121)

We've invented most of the stuff that we need and now we're just messing about

Lots of comics try stuff out all year round, which is very sensible - I don't.

Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made.

UCB has been compared to a cult and a pyramid scheme, and it's all that stuff.

Something that's happened recently is that I don't beat myself up about stuff.

I like to have fun. I'm definitely sexually liberated and all that good stuff.

I don't like to take a lot of stuff since I'm really sensitive to medications.

When the world needs someone to do the really big stuff, you need an American.

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