I'm very hard on my bags because I tend to carry a lot of stuff with me.

I get a lot of fan mail and stuff, and usually it's for me to sign stuff.

I live every day to its fullest extent and I don't sweat the small stuff.

I know how to go, go, go. Stopping, I've learned is the stuff of mastery.

I actually have to pick and chose stuff that I know I'm going to bomb at.

Once people tell me I can't do stuff, I'm going to go and make it happen.

People will always say all sorts of stuff. Let them. I'm enjoying my life

Cheese is one of my great weaknesses, I could eat the stuff by the pound.

I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the ego, nor the mind-stuff

I feel more comfortable writing firmly comedic or slightly comedic stuff.

Retiring is a strange word. I'm 27 years old. I've still got stuff to do.

I've been just like any other working actor, out there looking for stuff.

I’m a guy who doesn’t dwell on stuff. I let things roll off my shoulders.

Anyone who's seen my specials knows I don't put out the same stuff twice.

That is the limit of IMDb. You can get into any IMDb page and hack stuff.

I don't read liner notes and stuff, and I don't read articles very often.

We have cultural depth. We get all kinds of stuff to chew on, to live on.

People like givers, people want to help givers. I get stuff all the time.

It's not what your parents give you. It's what you do with your own stuff.

I read stuff. Books are not my only friends, but we're friendly. So there.

It took me three weeks to stuff the turkey. I stuffed it through the beak.

I'm constantly doing new stuff. I'm always excited. I'm a one-man tornado.

I don't care about Clinton's haircuts or his affairs or any of that stuff.

Memorizing lines isn't really hard. Only with really hard words and stuff.

All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.

We travel in Duke stuff... They can have a hat, but it must be a Duke hat.

When you don't talk, there's a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.

Fashion isn't me, even though I work in it. It's just materialistic stuff.

Sometimes you have to go through some ugly stuff to get to the good stuff.

You don't wear stuff for other people; you've got to wear it for yourself.

I'm always trying out new stuff onstage. That's where I do all my writing.

Retail should never ever tell the copyright owner how their stuff is sold.

I never go online. The Internet stuff is bonkers. You must not look at it.

I get inspired by a lot of different stuff. My father is a huge music fan.

The whole thing with eastern music and instruments, I love all that stuff.

I like learning new stuff, and continuing to educate myself as best I can.

The key to artistry is being able to say stuff the way other people can't.

In fact, in Europe, I'm more kind of this bloke what writes lots of stuff.

I wouldn't say pop stars hit on me - that's just stuff the papers make up.

I'm obsessed with lip stuff. I have to have stuff on my lips at all times.

I don't have a philosophy. I have an instinct. I accept stuff that I like.

Because of 'Lost,' particularly, J.J. Abrams's fans are all over his stuff.

People, if you can't get through the puns, I can't give you the good stuff.

People who don't listen make me annoyed. That's the normal stuff, isn't it?

In real life I do violence, but for psychic stuff I do other things better.

Knee replacement is serious stuff. And it actually could have made me worse

Life is just so painful and messy and hard and worth it and all that stuff.

As a songwriter it's kind of hard to listen to your own stuff with clarity.

I wonder what the vintners buy one half so precious as the stuff they sell.

There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do.

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