My first vote was for a communist in east London when I was a medical student. But I've voted Tory, Labour and Lib Dem in my time.

It has always been the task of formal education to set up behavior which would prove useful or enjoyable later in a student's life.

The only thing that happens when I'm teaching is that I hope there are some students out there in the class who will ask questions.

There is a maxim about the universe which I always tell my students: That which is not explicitly forbidden is guaranteed to occur.

Be an example of what you teach. [As a personal trainer], delve into your student's life, know everything about him. Be interested.

The importance of 'Dream School' is monumental. Helping to inspire these students to reach their potential is personally gratifying.

In school, I guess I was a difficult, know-it-all type of student... I was always complaining that music education was too academic.

You would hope that the supposed best of American educational institutions would teach its students about America as an institution.

I shot a lot of stuff that no one will ever see. That was my student work. What also happened was there was a big jump in technology.

Be careful. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to the worst Spanish student in the history of the language.” I laughed. “No problemo.

I had a major in business, and I graduated with a business degree, but I was perhaps the worst student to graduate from that program.

I was really not a good student, and I felt that shame every day. That's one of the reasons I started smoking pot and drinking daily.

I'll be honest; I'm a student of fashion. I say that because I just wear what I feel. I'm not led by name brands and things like that.

Online education that leaves almost everybody behind except for highly motivated students, to me, can't be a viable path to education.

The trouble is not chiefly that our universities are unfit for students but that many present-day students are unfit for universities.

When a student comes and asks, "Should I become a mathematician?" the answer should be no. If you have to ask, you shouldn't even ask.

A clever graduate student could teach Fourier something new, but surely no one claims that he could teach Archimedes to reason better.

Part of teaching is helping students learn how to tolerate ambiguity, consider possibilities, and ask questions that are unanswerable.

I've always maintained that I see myself as a student. There's always something to learn and be challenged by and hopefully grow from.

What all good teachers have in common, however, is that they set high standards for their students and do not settle for anything less.

I find it hilarious that there are academics who try to analyse chemical changes in the brains of students while exposing them to gags.

It is a misfortune to pass at once from observation to conclusion, and to regard both as of equal value; but it befalls many a student.

It is the ability to determine consciously what it is that interests him, and why, that differentiates the artist from the art student.

All is measured by that relative term, quality. It is in this search for quality that the artist is, of necessity, the eternal student.

If you improve education by teaching for competence, eliminating schooling, and connecting with students, the test scores will improve.

I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. Thats how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today.

When I was a young student, I thought grow-ups would come and make things work. Now I realize that grown-ups are just kids with wrinkles.

When I started teaching in the late 60s, in a time of student revolutions and changes, they changed in question of society and authority.

I knew it was time to leave when I realized I could no longer look students in the eye and tell them what a great place this was to work.

I was studying with Joe Allard, which was great, as a saxophone student. Being able to study with Joe Allard was an incredible experience.

I had a hard time convincing students that they were going to North Africa to understand the North Africans, not to understand themselves.

Negativity sells. I have been labelled a rebel. If I had been one, would I have got married at 23? Would I have been a straight A student?

Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.

If you work around at-risk teen students, actually tell them you love them and have faith in their success. No one tells them that. No one.

Conversation is our account of ourselves...Conversation is the vent of character as well as thoughts...It is the laboratory of the student.

‎"A humble and prayerful person will find a thousand things in the Bible, which the proud student will utterly fail to discern." ~ J.C. Ryle

I hated high school. I was not the greatest student, participated in no activities, and spent most of my time hanging out in my parking lot.

Evolution makes biology make sense. And if you don't teach your students the evolutionary core of biology, you're making it harder for them.

It's a very good thing for students also to be exposed to people who aren't film students or film scholars but who work in the world of film.

I hope that Requiem is better than Pi. I hope that Pi is better than my student films, and I'm hoping that I'm getting better as I get older.

What I don't like today is, to put it coarsely, the phony Hasidism, the phony mysticism. Many students say, "Teach me mysticism." It's a joke.

I tell students that the opportunities I had were a result of having a good educational background. Education is what allows you to stand out.

No student of history can fail to see the moral interest of the Middle Ages, any more than an artist can fail to see their aesthetic interest.

I think it's good for the composer to teach because you always have new students and you have to begin at the beginning and make things clear.

Questions to ask yourself: Are you a good teacher? Who would know? You would. Your students. Your friends. Your God. Not a bad audience, that!

Excitement in education and student productivity, the ability to get a result that you want from students, go together and cannot be separated.

Too often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish. A disciple is a student, not a recipient of behavioural consequences.

I thought I was a good teacher until I discovered my students were just memorizing information rather than learning to understand the material.

Students can do experiments and investigate for themselves what's going on in restaurants, in our food system, and begin a process of learning.

I was a Ph.D. student at a very reputable university, I was a Harvard research associate at one of the world's premier leadership institutions.

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