Don't get stuck on a business plan just because it was your business plan.

Yes, Carl Vine stuck around. He's now number one composer for choreography.

I don't like cruises. Period. My biggest nightmare is being stuck on a boat.

Milk Duds. It doesn't' bother me that it gets stuck in my teeth or anything.

The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it.

In television, to be a hero and look like I look, that really stuck with me.

I like romantic comedy as a genre, but I think it can get stuck in its ways.

Nature did not put whales on this earth to splash kids while stuck in a pen.

Personally, I am stuck with one foot in the past and one foot in the present.

The people's desires have changed, but we're still stuck in our old issue set.

I think Canadians make a lot of music because we're stuck inside all the time.

When you're constantly stuck in your comfort zone, it means you're not growing.

I remember watching Looney Tunes cartoons and having the music stuck in my head.

If your social consciousness seems stuck in 1975, 2014 is gonna be a rough ride.

I don't want to be stuck in the same spot, just dropping mixtapes for no reason.

What payoff are you getting for remaining stuck at this point in your expansion?

If I want to put on a pair of Converse with a pencil stuck through them, I will.

We have to look forward and keep filming new films and not get stuck in the past.

I've often thought I'm a short music hall comedian stuck in a leading man's body.

I like writing different types of music. I don't like being stuck into one thing.

The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds.

Your hips get really stiff when you're stuck on a bike for several hours each day.

I'll just drive around if I'm stuck on something or have a case of writer's block.

Dancing and singing are the two things that have stuck with me throughout my life.

Like most dancers, I love lip stains! We hate gloss because hair gets stuck in it.

An epigram is but a feeble thing - With straw in tail, stuck there by way of sting.

If I get stuck doing comic-book films for the rest of my life, I'll be really happy.

Don't get stuck on small. Don't stop dreaming, reaching and enhancing what you have.

I've always been pretty unfaithful - I've never stuck to one kind of genre or music.

I never wanted to be an actor. I got stuck in it and kind of liked what I was doing.

Having glue stuck to your face in winter is not fun. It freezes as it hits the skin.

I don't think we should be stuck to only loving people based on what they look like.

I'm queer - and queer, to me, is not being stuck in a binary and being kind of fluid.

Weezer isn't stuck in roles, so we just do what we want to do, what makes us excited.

I travel a lot. I didn't want to be stuck sitting in my office managing the business.

Whatever you accept completely, you go beyond. If you fight it, you're stuck with it.

I wanted to put out a solo record because I was stuck on a major label and sick of it.

You're stuck in front of the microphone. You can't use your hands. I like to do things.

My wife can't cook at all. She made chocolate mousse. An antler got stuck in my throat.

In my playing career, Anfield was the only ground where I had a feeling of being stuck.

I understand how it feels to stand in a crowded train, to be stuck in congested traffic.

In catholisism we have an entire religion based on a woman who really stuck to her story

My nickname is The Fonz. My sister Lori nicknamed me it when I was younger and it stuck.

It's very rare that you just get stuck with the ball. You're going to get somebody open.

This is a Disaster. This isn't something somebody can control. We ain't stuck on stupid.

You could be the most beautiful girl, but if you're stuck up, that doesn't do it for me.

You realize Shakespeare wasn't stuck for an idea when he said, 'All the world's a stage.'

You know, when you've established a certain thing, what can you do? You're stuck with it.

In a conversation, the words can get stuck, I don't know what to say, I get very anxious.

When a woman acts as though she’s capable of everything, she gets stuck doing everything.

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