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I started to sing a lot more during my twenties when I was struggling with depression.
I still feel like I'm trying to make it. It's hard to shed the struggling actor thing.
I was struggling, I was hungry, I was a freelance copy editor but had very little work.
If you're struggling for gift ideas, my advice is to give experiences rather than things.
My parents were always living from pay cheque to pay cheque. They were always struggling.
We have to bring relief as fast as possible to people who are struggling under Obamacare.
There are so many directors, young and old, around - all doing their thing and struggling.
Struggling writers are often advised to pick a simple genre, but it doesn't work that way.
I come from a humble background, where my family was struggling to be called middle class.
I went through the process of auditioning like every other struggling actress in this town.
I can live in L.A. as a struggling artist. I cannot live in New York as a struggling artist.
Teachers need to have the capacity to spot those that are struggling early on and intervene.
I think we're still struggling to find a way of depicting women that doesn't objectify them.
With his deeds, not only words, President Obama has revitalized our struggling space program.
'Bazillion Dollar Club' follows six struggling startups trying to get their products together.
Girls who use jokes to be nasty are often hiding other feelings they are struggling to express.
Everyone at a point in their life is struggling to find out who they are and where they belong.
I was a struggling army wife going to community college who didn't know what to do with my life.
I know I am not alone in struggling with Facebook and how we experience it through its news feed.
I am not too keen to do movies, as I don't have time to waste on struggling for a role in a film.
It's always interesting to see somebody struggling with two different sides of their personality.
I think I see a lot of artists struggling to make their first album perfect, and I've been there.
As a struggling actor, you're not looking for parts that define you; you're just looking for work.
The thing with sledging is it very rarely goes well. Usually, if I was sledging, I was struggling.
I believe that we are all, openly or secretly, struggling against one or another kind of nihilism.
There's nothing better than just staring at a buttercup, struggling to make an impact on the world.
Many blue-collar families struggling to pay rent would be happy to skip paying optional union dues.
I had a really rough time from sort of July 2015 to July 2016. I was really struggling with my game.
With summer in Chennai, I am struggling with my long hair. I do my own hair-dos which are comfortable.
So struggling for work here has been very good for me, but it's also been very hard to handle rejection.
No more pronouncements on lousy verse. No more hidden competition. No more struggling not to be a square.
When I hear from people who are struggling to put food on the table, I understand because I've been there.
I was struggling, and I was struggling mentally more than anything, and that will carry over to the games.
A good nationalism has to depend on a principle of the common people, on myths of a struggling commonality.
I will always be looking back at the things I've gone through, thinking of the struggling people I've seen.
Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable.
The more shaded, flawed characters that are struggling, I think there's something very relatable about that.
I did a lot of struggling with my identity trying to figure out who the heck I was. I had to face my demons.
The sassy black woman who can land a good joke was sort of my go-to audition. Or playing a struggling mother.
I never said that movies were struggling behind TV. I'm just saying that movies have a better creative cache.
We need to tell the American public the truth. We need to let them know they're not the only ones struggling.
There will always be men struggling to change, and there will always be those who are controlled by the past.
It's hard to say you're struggling if you're a professional footballer. Other people have far greater problems.
Repeating a grade needs to be the last resort, not an automatic response to a child who is struggling to learn.
People think because I was at City that I've only won leagues and cups, but I was there when we were struggling.
I was not somebody who watched a lot of films. We couldn't afford to. We came from struggling family background.
Before 'Jersey Shore,' I was a DJ struggling to promote, deejaying six nights a week and hustling to pack clubs.
A lot of people fear failures, struggling, they want overnight success and they live in their fake imaginary world.
'Originals' is a show that is not about struggling as a vampire but reveling in it. It's about embracing vampirism.
Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.