...man is the only animal that strikes his women-folk.

...man is the only animal that strikes his women-folk.

Swing at the strikes.

When the iron is hot, strike.

I can throw strikes any time.

Firefighters don't go on strike.

Strike, if you will, but listen.

Truth is truth howe'er it strike.

Strike the iron whilst it is hot.

Home run hitters strike out a lot.

I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.

O friend, never strike sail to a fear!

You never know, lightning could strike.

Strike the dog dead, it's but a critic!

I've got no problem with drone strikes.

Strike fast, strike hard, strike often.

If someone criticizes me, I strike back.

Inspiration strikes at very funny times.

Strike hard and fast and do not separate.

Strike up the drum and march courageously.

When you have the opportunity, you strike.

Sink twice before you strike out for land.

I may sink, but I'll be damned if I strike!

Lightning strikes the tops of the mountains.

Strike at a great man, and you will not miss.

The harder you strike it, the deeper it goes.

Stay open, who knows, lightning could strike.

Once the fight is on-strike quickly and often.

Strike with the soul, and you will never miss.

Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter

I think The Empire Strikes Back had everything.

Strikes always leave a bad taste with everyone.

I shall strike the stars with my uplifted head.

Strikes deeper, grows with more pernicious root.

At first, it's unfamiliar, then it strikes root.

Swing at strikes. You've got to swing at strikes.

I'm working on a new pitch. It's called a strike.

I have never been one to run when tragedy strikes.

I too am not powerless, and my weapons strike hard.

Illness strikes men when they are exposed to change.

You have to know when to strike and when to retreat.

A mere nothing suffices — and the lightning strikes.

When the lightning strikes one of us, it strikes both

What reader wants to be told what attitude to strike?

Footballers are going on strike? When can they start?

Art is a weapon for me, with which I can strike back.

God strikes with his finger, and not with all his arm.

Vancouver strikes me as a San Francisco-kind of place.

The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safest.

It strikes at a fundamental human need to be organized.

When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly.

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