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Usually I bring very attractive women with me to excite interest. I mean, it's a type of, like, strangers-with-candy situation.
Award ceremonies are strange because you're sitting next to someone you've never met; you're celebrating with a total stranger.
A place has almost the shyness of a person, with strangers; and its secret is not to be surprised by a too direct interrogation.
To listen to critics, pro or con, and take their words to heart is to subcontract your self-esteem to strangers. (from Workbook)
I love Billy Joel. I cry sometimes when I hear 'The Stranger.' 'You May Be Right' may be one of the greatest songs ever written.
You know, I get recognized for Turk Barrett probably more than any of my other roles, even more than the 'Stranger Things' role.
Have you no hope at all? And do you really live with the thought that when you die, you die, and nothing remains?" "Yes," I said.
I just crushed Stranger Things. It's got one of my favorite actors, David Harbour. And obviously Breaking Bad and stuff like that.
When you finally understand the universe, it will not only be stranger than you imagine, it will be stranger than you can imagine.
I wasn't a stranger to hard times. I used to read the Bible - well, I still do, but when I was young I read the Bible quite a bit.
I probably don't have any more of a bigger following on the Internet than anybody else does - I just probably have a stranger one.
I'm always going to love Barb and I'm always going to be grateful to 'Stranger Things' and for the incredible opportunity I've had.
I'm no stranger to joining a show in the third season. I joined 'Lost Girl' at the same stage, and that was a wonderful experience.
When you're a pitcher for the Houston Astros and a stranger notices you in a mall in Colorado, you know things have really changed.
Moment by moment, with a twitch, a shudder, a look, it’s Mr. Hardy who movingly draws you in, turning a stranger’s face into a life.
My heart is ripped open, shredded, leaking blood. I can't let him leave like this. We've been through to much to turn into strangers.
Strangers are exciting, their mystery never ends. But, there's nothing like looking at your own history in the faces of your friends.
If you don't talk to strangers, your life is so limited. If you're careful about what you eat, you'll never try anything adventurous.
When I filmed 'Power Rangers,' almost everything was being assisted by a green screen, but it wasn't the same with 'Stranger Things.'
One of the most awkward things that can happen in a pub is when your pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.
People just do the strangest things when they believe they're entitled. But they do even stranger things when they just plain believe.
Obviously, resilience matters. I was no stranger to adversity, but it's different when it's personal. Not something I would recommend.
I was asked to audition for the second season of 'Stranger Things.' I didn't want that level of exposure. I don't want to be TV famous.
We must make every effort to extend a hand to the stranger, and continue to fight to make sure we don't give up on our American values.
I never got on the 'Stranger Things' train. Everybody else did, but for me, I'm the wrong audience because I don't like sci-fi/fantasy.
We live in a science fictional world with things like cloning and face transplants, and things seem to be getting stranger and stranger.
Some people say, 'Oh, you look just like the guy from 'Stranger Things.' And I'm like, 'I am the guy.' And they think I'm totally joking.
Those Duffer Brothers really know how to tell a story, and I think it makes you want to watch. 'Stranger Things' is remarkably watchable.
I like the girls in Ecuador. They are more gentle and trusting, more innocent. They are not as suspicious of strangers as Colombian girls.
If you are not able to communicate successfully between yourself and yourself, how are you supposed to make it with the strangers outside?
History is not our guide, it is not our friend. It is a passing stranger, one which shadows legend, sprinkling it with the seeds of truth.
I'm addicted to the dynamics of relationships whether they be in love, work, between strangers on the streets, or in the world in general.
Even Charles Darwin, that human decoder ring of bizarre behavior, found the idea of saving a stranger's life to be a total head-scratcher.
A couple of times in your life, it happens like that. You meet a stranger, and all you know is that you need to know everything about him.
But happiness ... happiness grows at our own firesides," she said. "It is not to be picked in strangers' gardens." ~ The House at Riverton
We had Jesse Ventura in Minnesota win the governorship, nobody thought he was going to win. I'm telling you, stranger things have happened.
I've never understood people who treat their loved ones worse and with less respect than they would a total stranger or minor acquaintance.
I'm no stranger to weight issues. I've had cellulite since I was about nine years old. I have enjoyed the uber support of Spanx many times.
You are the Supreme Being, and yet thinking yourself to be separate from it, you strive to become united with it. What is stranger than this?
For me, at least, much of the German I see and hear sounds stranger than Swedish, a language of which I unfortunately understand very little.
My parents always told me about VHS tapes. And the Walkman, everyone had those. I had never even seen one until I got onto 'Stranger Things.'
I've had two fights in my life. Both times I threw one punch, and both times I broke my hand! I really am a stranger to the world of fighting.
Pick ten strangers and stick them in a room, and ask them which of us they feel sorrier for - you or me - and we all know who they'll choose.
"Sassenach." He had called me that from the first; the Gaelic word for outlander, a stranger. An Englishman. First in jest, then in affection.
I'm always getting texts asking why I'm not responding on Instagram or Facebook, and I'm like, 'It's not me. You're writing to some stranger.'
There's always something really bad that happens in 'Stranger Things,' I think the more fun we're having at the beginning, the higher the drop.
It's a sad commentary when children feel they can talK to a stranger better than their own parents and ask him to solve their personal problems.
I not only lived physically away from my native land, but the values and critical judgments of those closest to me became stranger and stranger.
When I was a girl, my life was music that was always getting louder. Everything moved me. A dog following a stranger. That made me feel so much.
The Iraqi people are some of the warmest people you'll meet in your life. They are extremely receptive to strangers. Their hospitality is immense.