Strangely enough, I've become a Metallica fan.

Strangely, I was just not interested in biology.

Strangely, some songs you really don't want to write.

We're not very accepting of people who act strangely.

I think there's something strangely musical about noise.

I get strangely obsessed about the cleanliness of my house.

There is something in humility which strangely exalts the heart.

When you expect things to happen - strangely enough - they do happen.

I've only ever been recognised in the street once. In Sweden, strangely.

How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!

How strangely do we diminish a thing as soon as we try to express it in words.

The French, I think, in general, are strangely prolix in their natural history.

My films are always looked at strangely, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Sometimes I write stuff that strangely predicts what's going to happen in my life.

Strangely enough, I really think that shoes are a communication tool between people.

I'm going for Britain's Best Dressed Man award, but strangely, I'm never on the list.

Oftentimes, experiencing tragedy very young can strangely give you a kind of equilibrium.

Even though I don't believe in God, I feel strangely compelled to fight the atheist label.

I feel like an alien. I feel people don't like me. People behaved strangely after 'Rockstar.'

When you're improvising, you connect with people in a way you don't in normal life, strangely.

I remember finding 'Harold and Maude' strangely erotic. I've always had an octogenarian fetish.

An environment is precisely something one is unable to point to yet is strangely there nonetheless.

If you're used to being a maverick, then people don't get surprised when you start acting strangely.

Do you want to be strangely various, or do you want to be purely yourself? Either way, revere no one.

I feel comfortable in places like London. You get many cultures in L.A. but it's strangely segregated.

Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them.

I stuff animals I find; I do roadkill. They're strangely fun to have. They're like easy-to-control pets.

Movies are usually difficult, often insane, constantly challenging and always strangely amusing to make.

In politics, strangely enough, the best way to play your cards is to lay them face upwards on the table.

I think in a weird way that the entertainment industry is strangely more brutally honest than any other.

When I look at myself, I see a person who strangely lacks what I consider the ingredients of a personality.

Strangely, I feel that I become increasingly reclusive in my normal life and more open and candid in my music.

Strangely, Dante's Divine Comedy did not produce a prose of that creative height or it did so after centuries.

Strangely enough I'm better on a stage. I love that I feel like I blossom in front of a whole bunch of people.

It's strangely energizing to have people who don't make music themselves take potshots at you from the Internet.

I've been asked whether I have a hobby, and have felt strangely offended that anyone would assume I have the time.

I won some genetic lottery. I always happened to be strangely good at mathematics in my head. I just popped out weird.

I still love 'All Right Now,' strangely enough. But then that's probably because I didn't play it for some twenty years.

I never really got on that well with Yoko anyway. Strangely enough, I only started to get to know her after John's death.

Strangely, while illiberal feminists treat conservative women as men in drag, men who identify as women are treated as women.

Strangely, I have a huge aversion to movies that try to teach healthy people an abusive lesson about the darkness in the world.

People strangely revere dance. They see it as another world, and dancers are somehow mysterious - just because they don't speak.

Culture hides much more than it reveals, and strangely enough, what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.

It's hard not to get depressed when you pay attention to the world and how strangely and corrupt the people in it sometimes behave.

I am strangely attracted to the hooligan crowd. I find them actually less dangerous than some of the people I work with now in Hollywood.

Some of the writers I've praised are Sara Paretsky, Val McDermid, Elisabeth George and Minette Walters. Strangely enough, almost all are women.

Strangely, when I was a kid, my first acting job, at 5 years old, was a performance of 'The Three Little Pigs.' They cast me as the Big Bad Wolf.

I discovered John Fante when I was 17 years old - strangely, not through Charles Bukowski, but through William Saroyan, who was his drinking buddy.

A lie will easily get you out of a scrape, and yet, strangely and beautifully, rapture possesses you when you have taken the scrape and left out the lie.

And, strangely, this one of the few things in life that the third, the latter, the buy with our eyes closed has actually done better than everybody else.

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