We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense this is aparticipatory universe.

I get the strange urge to hit my head against the wall. Other people's sobs make me feel uncomfortable.

It's a strange situation, but people will pay your fare to get you to go and tell them how to be happy.

I do like not knowing where I'm going, wandering in strange woods, whistling and following bread crumbs.

It was really strange to see all these apes standing around eating popcorn, smoking, wearing sunglasses.

The New York Quarterly is an amazing, intelligent, crazy, creative, strange, and indispensable magazine.

It doesn't seem to me strange that children should like the macabre, the sensational, and the forbidden.

Too many films today feel formulaic and familiar. I prefer it when the familiar is made to feel strange.

I wouldn't like to be in movies. Movie people are strange. They live a different life than musicians do.

There is nothing so strange and so unbelievable that it has not been said by one philosopher or another.

It is strange how fragile this man-creature is.....in one second he's just garbage. Garbage, that's all.

Still we say as we go,-"Strange to think by the wayWhatever there is to know,That shall we know one day.

You can go to Spain, and Cubans are looked down upon. It's strange how people chop up where you're from.

It's such a strange combination that I'd be unhappy to make anything like that without Landis directing.

I'm doing all sizes. It's a strange thing to stop at a certain size. Women don't, so why should clothes?

If you are willing to reflect on the courage and moderation of other people, you will find them strange.

I have a head for heights it's true, but no stomach for the depths. Strange then to have plumbed so many.

Strange, i thought i knew you well, thought i had read the sky, thought i had seen a change in your eyes.

I am so changeable, being everything by turns and nothing long - such a strange melange of good and evil.

When there are strange things going on all around, every coincidence should be considered very carefully.

Yet beauty, though injurious, hath strange power, After offence returning, to regain Love once possess'd.

I certainly wouldn't want a song that I'd already written to be used on a commercial. That seems strange.

People think it's very strange because I love whale watching - you don't see whales a lot where I'm from.

At the start it felt strange to wear the Chelsea shirt, because I had never imagined I would leave Barca.

We are that strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting.

Strange, isn't it, that it's always more difficult to talk people out of killing each other than into it?

I was young and not gloomy and there were always strange and comic things that happened in the worst time.

People say to me, 'Would you like to swap your life with me for 24 hours? Your life must be very strange.'

I've often been told that I'm a bit strange. I hear that pretty regularly, but it is not how I see myself.

It's strange, but seeing something broken is somehow worse when you can tell that it used to be beautiful.

Strange—we are always inhabiting more than one realm of existence—but they all fit in if the art is right.

I had a blast, but I still wonder sometimes why they saw me as the perfect guy for this strange character.

Strange that grief should now almost choke me, because another human being's eye has failed to greet mine.

My skin burns where it meets his. It feels better than good, but it sets off a strange aching in my chest.

Wrestlers are a little more dedicated than, and are different from, the other people, which may be strange.

If you're a human being walking the earth, you're weird, you're strange, you're psychologically challenged.

There are many strange happenings, my boy. Many mysteries beyond the power of the human mind to comprehend.

With Germany herself falling, it is not strange that the nations leagued with her also went down to defeat.

Midnight,--strange mystic hour,--when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin.

As always, there's a couple of things in the pipeline - but that pipeline is a strange and ambiguous place.

Strange things blow in through my window on the wings of the night wind and I don't worry about my destiny.

In times when nothing stood but worsened, or grew strange, there was one constant good: she did not change.

I am a slow reader. I always loved words, which is a strange thing given that I couldn't actually read them

What a strange world it is, where prisoners are left their weapons and the written word is a mortal danger.

I kept a very full diary of my relationship with Nixon, for some strange reason, until he became president.

You know, its really strange now with the Internet, with everyone having an unsolicited, anonymous opinion.

I was quiet, and I was artistic. I liked writing poetry, and that was very strange, so I was bullied a lot.

As my friend George Oppen once said to me about getting old: what a strange thing to happen to a little boy.

Do you not see how strange and wonderful that is? That all history balances on an affair of the human heart?

There is a strange depression that hangs over every little town that is no longer in the mainstream of life.

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