We faced it and did not resist. The storm passed through us and around us. It's gone, but we remain.

Once more the storm is howling, and half hid Under this cradle-hood and coverlid My child sleeps on.

Electric cars are not going to take the market by storm, but it's going to be a gradual improvement.

I wanted to serve. It was Desert Storm. I thought, 'I was a rich kid, and America's been good to me.

When the storm has passed, put your energy into rebuilding your life, don't waste time looking back.

True courage scorns to vent her prowess in a storm of words; and to the valiant action speaks alone.

You can look at my palm and see the storm coming. Read the book of my life and see I've overcome it.

I wanted to serve. It was Desert Storm. I thought, 'I was a rich kid, and America's been good to me.'

The storm came. Lives were washed away. Ancient pains resurfaced. Now it is time for a sea of change.

If you lay in the rain, every rain shower, storm, whatever, is different. Every surface is different.

Those who walk in radical obedience have made themselves ready for the storm, and they will overcome.

Why, what's the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?

I learnt more about politics during one South Dakota dust storm than in seven years at the university.

I can't feel a thing; All mournful petal storms are dancing inside the very private spring of my head.

Geniuses were like storms or cyclones, pulling everything into their path, sticks and stones and dust.

When the storm brews and the waves swell, only an experienced captain can control the ship and save it.

I am not bound over to swear allegiance to any master; where the storm drives me I turn in for shelter.

We have a lot of raw talent hidden in this country capable of taking on the world dance stage by storm.

Courage will now be your best defence against the storm that is at hand-—that and such hope as I bring.

You don't need to pray to God any more when there are storms in the sky, but you do have to be insured.

Sometimes when you're in the storm, it's harder and maybe when it's over, then you can look back on it.

There is no safer feeling than the comfort of sheltering from life's storms in the harbor of friendship.

I learned more about the economy from one South Dakota dust storm that I did in all my years of college.

A sunny, happy day is beautiful, but when it's moody, and storm is coming, there's an energy in the air.

All these feelings need to be felt. We need to stomp and storm; to sob and cry; to perspire and tremble.

Illium says that perhaps I can use them to flutter someone to death. - Aodhan to Jason, Archangel's Storm

But it is in storms that God does his finest work, for it is in storms that God has our keenest attention

Let me but make a beginning, let me but strike the world in a vulnerable spot, and I can take it by storm.

When a storm comes, it is the trees that get uprooted. Be as humble as the grass and nothing can touch you.

Football's not particularly crazy. Once you are in it, you're in the eye of the storm, and it's quite nice.

Being patient even in the thickest of storms can be the one device that may catapult you over any obstacle.

No matter whose fault, God sends us through storms so we can land in a place we never would have otherwise.

There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.

[A]s if life were a thunder-storm wherein you can see by a flash the horizon, and then cannot see your hand.

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

This was a big storm and he might as well enjoy it. It was ruining everything, but you might as well enjoy it

God uses no one until He first puts them through the storm. The greater your mission, the greater your storm.

The storm starts, when the drops start dropping. When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

The commercial storm leaves its path strewn with ruin. When it is over there is calm, but a dull, heavy calm.

You have these 'hot towers', tropical storm clouds acting like chimneys to carry heat to the upper atmosphere.

Writers cannot choose their own mood: with them it is not always hide-tide, nor --thank Heaven!--always Storm.

Unless you are in the middle of a storm, there is no validity in saying that you are not afraid of the storms.

You have to accept the storms and the rainy days and the things in life that you sometimes don't want to face.

A great storm puts out a little fire but feeds a strong one. Trials conquer weak faith but grow a strong faith.

If you don't trust either the captain or the ship, there remains only one thing for safety: Trusting the storm!

I have always been comfortable weathering the storm. I’d like to get more comfortable weathering the sunny day.

The storms of life can be used for good in our lives if we let them drive our spirits higher and closer to God.

We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed without them in 'Red Storm Rising'.

Please don't let all the freak storms and climate change lead you to believe in freak storms and climate change.

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