The stories that I want to tell are completely, well somewhat autobiographical. It's completely based on my own self-absorption issues and problems.

Without death,' he answered, 'life is meaningless. It is a story that can never be told. A song that can never be sung. For how would one finish it?

CNN is pretty consistently on the left, if you look at their choice of stories, what they play up. It's not what they say. It's what they highlight.

Whats great about Freddy in this is when he gets to comment and manipulate the back stories and the fears of the characters - especially with Jason.

I emphasize to C.E.O.s, you have to have a story in the minds of the employees. It's hard to memorize objectives, but it's easy to remember a story.

You must find the note, the correct key, for your story. If you find it, everything will work. If you do not, everything will stick out like elbows.

The history of Israel and Judaism is the unfolding of the meaning of this story. It's retelling is never finished and will not be until the Kingdom.

What makes a story a story is that something changes. Internal, external, small or large, trivial or of earth-shattering importance. Doesn't matter.

There cannot be any 'story' without a fall - all stories are ultimately about the fall - at least not for human minds as we know them and have them.

Language is so inherent to humanity, so necessary for even basic thinking, that stories and poetry are available to anyone who can process language.

Strength, strength for us. What we need is strength, who will give us strength? There are thousands to weaken us, and of stories we have had enough.

I think great filmmakers will always talk in terms of storytelling. These guys were always about the story. That is how I love to talk about a film.

The women I know are smart, interesting people who aren't just there to service the men's stories, so I don't know why our art continues to do that.

My greatest debt will always be to the movie-going public of yesterday and today, without whose love and devotion I would have had no story to tell.

If there is a fundamental challenge within these stories, it is simply to change our lurking suspicion that some lives matter less than other lives.

Writers who can't invent stories often substitute style for narrative. They remind me of the painter who couldn't paint people, so he painted chairs.

At some point in the journey of being in it for yourself, you realize you need other people. Any good frontier story, in some respect, is about that.

For some decades now, it seems, there has been a ukase in place in American journalism to the effect that Canada is entitled to one story per season.

I've always been a little bit more of a novel reader than a short story reader. I think the first books that made me want to be a writer were novels.

Any girl that's in a professional setting has to have a certain amount of decorum, but there's always a different story going on, when she goes home.

From the first time you laughed with me, all those months, and all those stories,” Joe said quietly. “They were all you, to me. All of them were you.

She told the story, however, with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in any thing ridiculous.

To come to terms with our beginning requires a truthful story to acquire the skills to live in gratitude rather than resentment for the gift of life.

I didn't think before that I'd done enough to justify publishing an autobiography but after 40 years in show business I'm now ready to tell my story.

My writing process is very organic. I start with an idea. I have the general story arc and the cast. But then I sit down to write, and things change.

I'd always assumed I was the central character in my own story, but now it occured to me I might in fact be only a minor character in someone else's.

What I'm hoping to do though is to ground my extrapolations in specificity, and to make sure that the story I tell is deliberately and honestly told.

All we had was her room, her stories, and the quiet that settled in as we tried in vain to spread ourselves out and fill the space she'd left behind.

People sing each other's songs and they cultivate standards. That's the reason why we have folk music and folk stories. History is told through song.

Cooking is mythology - a story told over and over, passed on again and again, always with the same meaning but expressed in endlessly different ways.

If you take different mythologies from different cultures, the names may change and the story lines may vary but there is always something in common.

People from different parts of the world can respond to the same story if it says something to them about their own history and their own experience.

George W. Bush bought the election - period. End of story. There is no argument. You can try to come up with any argument you can, but there is none.

I think of the author as somebody who goes into the marketplace and puts down his rug and says, 'I will tell you a story' and then he passes the hat.

All the best stories are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape.

I have to have an impact. That's what drives me to practice to make sure my words are clear and my stories are compelling. Right. Because it matters.

I love horror movies and I love being scared, but I don't like them, if they're not based on a true story. It's like knowing how the sausage is made.

I feel quite at home writing short stories but nervous and anxious when writing novels, as if the bad time of consecutive failures might arise again.

The state of mind which I put myself when I tell a story is one in which superstition flourishes very easily. And I welcome that because it helps me.

You learn by writing short stories. Keep writing short stories. The money's in novels, but writing short stories keeps your writing lean and pointed.

Before you ignore another homeless person on the street, just remember that that could be someone's father or someone's mother and they have a story.

But we cannot unbraid the story of another person’s life and take out all the parts that don’t suit our purposes and put forth only the ones that do.

From the 3rd century onwards, orthodox Christianity, based on a Hebrew story and worshipping the Jew Jesus, also led many campaigns of anti-Semitism.

When I really have to push and grope and scratch and claw to make a story work, that's a telltale sign that maybe something conceptually isn't right.

You are born with a character; it is given, a gift, as the old stories say, from the guardians upon your birth...Each person enters the world called.

I've just always written, and always considered myself a writer. I wrote my first story when I was five. There was nothing else I wanted to do or be.

Holidays have been commercialized. It has become about material things. But the holidays are about sharing stories and being in each others presence.

Mick Jagger has produced some great films and brought us stories about the music industry that have changed the way we think about how music is made.

If I ever got to do television, I would be interested in doing different kinds of characters and stories, and television doesn't lend itself to that.

You're always looking for some new way to tell the same story, but it's how they get to the happy end that is the challenge and the fun for a writer.

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