Most of my short stories are fantasy.

In the end, we'll all become stories.

I could write stories just as rotten.

Why ruin a good story with the truth?

I think to me, all songs are stories.

Improvise. Write your own damn story.

I really love the story in 'Twilight.

I have some good stories yet to tell.

All Marketers are liars tell stories.

I like it when stories are left open.

Feel the feelings and drop the story.

I always write a story in one sitting.

Stories are the shortcut to the heart.

Stories happen to those who tell them.

My stories are never quite good enough

There is one story and one story only.

Old stories often turn out to be true.

There's no good story without romance.

I tell a story, and therefore I exist.

A really good horror film has a story.

I can be so blown away by story lines.

Every story needs to be worth telling.

...New Beginning to the same old story

I think tone gives birth to the story.

I told my whole life story in my book.

Tell your story with your whole heart.

True stories are way more interesting.

Love stories always seem to be a spark.

People love stories. They need stories.

He wants to put his story next to hers.

Stories are verbal acts of hospitality.

You are what exists before all stories.

We are a species addicted to a stories.

It's a love story, baby, just say, Yes.

Must I tell the story of my life again?

I spy with my little eye a great story.

You're only as good as your last story.

The medium is secondary to the stories.

Leaders use story to author the future.

Caution is the lower story of prudence.

Love is who we are without our stories.

I like stories with lots of psychology.

STORY, n. A narrative, commonly untrue.

The strongest logos tell simple stories.

But stories somehow lengthen when begun.

It's always the story that interests me.

I always wanted to tell stories and act.

A story can only be contained in a book.

The hero is never the star of the story.

Writing stories is a kind of magic, too.

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