Haruhi: This story has everything but the kitchen sink in it.

Your heartbreak is just another version of the same old story.

Do you want to tell the truth, or do you want to tell a story?

Readers need to see themselves between the lines of the story.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.

The writing itself is the thing that generates stories for me.

When you feel moved by the story, you want to tell that story.

Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive.

What do we want from each other after we have told our stories

Whatever the drama of the story is, you have to be true to it.

I like to tell stories that have beginnings, middles and ends.

I want a body of work; I want a good story after a good story.

From all of our beginnings, we keep reliving the Garden story.

I just wanted to paint and sketch and tell stories by drawing.

People are interested if you tell stories well and relevantly.

People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell.

I'm interested in stories and the dark side of peoples' minds.

Mike Tyson's life is one of the most amazing American stories.

I always try to make the setting fit the story I have in mind.

Become the director, producer, choreographer of your own story

Good stories are driven by conflict, tension, and high stakes.

There's always another story. There's more than meets the eye.

I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama.

What's the matter princess? Do you know the end of your story?

The makers of the short story have rarely been good novelists.

Good ideas stay with you until you eventually write the story.

I've never dreamed of a story idea. I have such boring dreams.

What’s my greatest weakness? Sad stories, people with problems

We continually use stories to hold up as mirrors to ourselves.

Turn the page, continue reading, and let the next story begin.

I tell the stories in the way that feels natural to tell them.

A short story is what you see when you look out of the window.

Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves.

As my exciting story began I was being punched in the stomach.

Every historical moment needs the stories to be told about it.

Film-makers must decide what story to tell and how to tell it.

You break the story first, and then you go into the specifics.

We are the protagonists of our love story, not the spectators.

Even the silence has a story to tell you. Just listen. Listen.

I love stories, I love myths, I love fairytales, I love Kafka.

Authenticy in marketing is telling a story people want to hear.

I feel like I've been blessed. I see the world through stories.

One mark of a second-rate mind is to be always telling stories.

The poem is in my hands, and can run stories through her hands.

I wanted to write a story that demanded the viewer's attention.

I wanted to connect a modern story with a myth that I had read.

The blues tells a story. Every line of the blues has a meaning.

I became a cook so I could cook and tell stories in wacky ways.

A shot is only as every as good as how well it tells the story.

The best way to spoil a good story is by sticking to the facts.

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