I henceforth tread the world, chaste, temperate, an early riser, a steady grower.

I have always taken a step forward and believe that slow and steady wins the race.

Family comes out whenever we know it's gonna be steady on a run that's continuous.

I am the greatest Angela Bassett fan. She is such a fine human being and so steady.

I still have a steady stream of book cover work. I'm grateful for it. Viva le book!

LeBron's always like this: steady. Steady all the time. He's never forcing anything.

Dive bars rely on a steady stream of neighborhood regulars to keep their doors open.

Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail.

Macau has been steady. The shocking, unexpected government is the one in Washington.

So from the housing standpoint, steady as you go, I think, would be the best medicine.

Many a wedding takes place when a man can't afford to go steady with a girl any longer.

I earned my first steady paycheck watering rose bushes at a nursery for a dollar an hour.

We will remain steady. We will pursue every avenue in the search for peace and stability.

The steady discipline of intimate friendship with Jesus results in men becoming like Him.

My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional.

The expected is what keeps us steady. It's the unexpected that changes our lives forever.

I said to de Lord, 'I'm goin' to hold steady on to you, an' I know you'll see me through.'

I'm a guy who never wanted to hold a steady job, because I was worried about the monotony.

As a quarterback, I always feel like it's my job to be that steady, calm presence in there.

I would like to be out there every day and be that one steady guy that everybody can lean on.

Choose a good disagreeable friend, if you be wise--a surly, steady, economical, rigid fellow.

The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.

It's about being steady and taking the rough with the smooth, but that's life as a goalkeeper.

I think the key to poker is being steady and giving yourself a chance to win every tournament.

My career's been a steady, interesting, weird, frustrating, fun journey at all different times.

Toy time is holding steady, but kids are spending more time on digital, and toys need to adapt.

I keep a steady supply of paintbrushes and canvases. I like to paint. I'm not some great artist.

I need to be home more. That's the goal now. I have a steady flow of things people want me to do.

Americans have seen the value of the dollar slowly decline due to the steady erosion of inflation.

Bahrain 's margin of freedom is growing day after day as we head into the future with steady steps.

The record shows that I've kept a very steady hand on the helm throughout some enormous challenges.

History has spurts and then is steady, and then maybe even backing up a step, and then forward again.

You've got to work hard for your success and you've got to have a steady presence. That's the secret.

In Princess Margaret I found a fine friend who could steady my restless nature and offer wise counsel.

And I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction, especially apocalyptic and postapocalyptic fiction.

I got a temper. But part of my role is to steady the ship. That's just to try to control your emotions.

I think we have very steady records of President Putin, who inherited the country with democratic values.

I was very comfortable having a steady job on a hit show, and who knew if 'The Jeffersons' would catch on?

My celebrity has held steady since the day I began acting. I don't view it as celebrity. I'm just a worker.

I think when you're an actor and you're drawing on your emotions all the time, you need to be quite steady.

We are going to see a steady stream, I predict, of Nobel prizes coming out of chemistry and given to women.

You don't want to make a steady diet of just lettuce. You don't want to make a steady diet of fried chicken.

No idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered with a searching but at the same time a steady eye.

I've worked really hard to get to where I am. Slow and steady wins the race, and I believe in paying your dues.

I didn't decide I was crazy until 1952. That's when I began making a steady salary and could afford to be crazy.

Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.

Slow and steady is the way we built our brand, and I think that's why it's one of the leading home space brands.

I had very steady and formal relationships with women. And I can say, I fell in love with women and it felt right.

There are going to be ups and downs, but you have to have a steady mindset, regardless of the situation you're in.

I don't really read non-fiction, but I have grown up on a steady diet of Wodehouse and, of course, science fiction.

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