The devil that stayed with me most vividly was the one from the cover of Iron Maiden's 'Number of the Beast' album.

I've always stayed independent, but I've always felt an obligation to make movies an untutored audience could like.

I've had many managers, and learned a lot from them, the good ones always stayed even-keeled, never rode the waves.

I always stayed for the first curtain call and people always said, 'Who's that?' But this got me started in acting.

I wasn't a woman who stayed tiny like I thought I would. I definitely gave myself the freedom to eat what I wanted.

My legacy is that I stayed on course... from the beginning to the end, because I believed in something inside of me.

Witten was my guy. I stayed in Wit's hip pocket and did everything I could to learn from him, learn how to be a pro.

The thing is, I always thought I could do stand-up, and so I just stayed focused on the belief that I could succeed.

I won my fight on 'The Ultimate Fighter,' my dad died the next day and I stayed in the game and won the whole thing.

I should have stayed an athlete, body well-tuned, cruising around with my accountant in a Porsche, maroon and chrome.

I did a minor in creative writing in college, but I didn't start writing until I stayed at home with my own children.

A lot of stuff people said to me when I was younger subconsciously stayed with me and became my biggest insecurities.

'All Our Yesterdays' was unquestionably the best work I have ever done. And the reading public stayed away in droves.

Hemingway never grew out of adolescence. His scope and depth stayed shallow because he had no idea what women are for.

Most summers we went to Bangladesh and stayed in Grandad's village, filled with relatives. I'm one of 67 grandchildren.

Going through different places, I stopped through Dubai and stayed there overnight. There I had an ultra-culture shock.

I always stayed in tune with my own ambitions and attitudes and I'm still my intractable old self, for better or worse.

I figured as long as the music stayed hot and important and good, that there would always be a reason for 'Soul Train.'

I've always kind of stayed free of coaching because I really want to stay out of coaches' way so they can do their job.

Music was our wife, and we loved her. And we stayed with her, and we clothed her, and we put diamond rings on her hands.

On YouTube, I've stayed very limited with what I've been willing to share, so it's been very surface-level with Miranda.

You used to queue for three days and two nights for tickets for Rubinstein. People stayed in the queue for the whole day.

My style has stayed pretty consistent over the years. I always wear what I like and what is appropriate for the occasion.

I was a chubby kid who got made fun of a lot, and I got fit in high school, and I stayed fit in my 20s, until my dad died.

I was sent to Russia in 1994 by the Clinton administration to meddle in Russian elections and stayed seven years doing it.

I was quite a plain boy. I stayed in work and eeked out a living, bit parts on TV, walk-ons in films, repertory companies.

I will only talk about my work. I have always stayed away from commenting on my personal life, and that remains unchanged.

I love my small town, and I love going back there and supporting the community. But I could not have stayed there. No way.

It really has stayed practically the same. It wasn't like I used to do wild punk make-up: no, I always had the same vision.

I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, born and raised. It was hard. I stayed with my momma, then I ended up moving with my daddy.

I do come from theater. I didn't spend a lot of time there 'cause once I started in television, I just kind of stayed there.

In my first few years of being in New York, I had a major identity crisis because I'd never stayed in one place for so long.

If my mama and daddy would've stayed together, one of them would've been dead, and the other would have been locked up for it.

Like many Catholics, I was very affected by the personality of Jesus and that impression, pious as it was, has stayed with me.

After graduating from high school, even though I was working, I didn't have enough money to pay rent, so I stayed with my Nana.

To fly into Moscow was a joy. I was trying to understand what people were thinking and how to earn money. In the end, I stayed.

I ask myself: Would I have been any worse off if I had stayed home or lived on a farm instead of shock treatments and medication?

I stayed away from mirrors when I was younger and I didn't like having my picture taken. I was tall and had braces and felt ugly.

I didn't want to be president of the World Wildlife Fund. I was asked to do it. I'd much rather have stayed in the navy, frankly.

I grew up Dalgety Bay, in the Kingdom of Fife, in a 1970s bungalow. We moved there when I was nine and stayed for about six years.

I just have to continue to get better and continue to learn. Whatever unfolds, I want people to know I stayed a pro and performed.

I was born in Pondicherry. Both my parents are French. They met in Pondicherry in the '70s, got married, and stayed back in India.

To me, there was nothing greater than to play for an audience and to entertain people and that has stayed with me all these years.

I think I went to Italy initially for the art, architecture, food and history, but I stayed there because of the people in Cortona.

It was definitely some tough moments throughout my life, but I kind of stayed focused and came through the other end of the tunnel.

I've stayed in houses that were in the country, and in England, but I'm still not sure that I've stayed in an English country house.

I can reinvent myself. This is why I've stayed such a long time in the business: because I always change; I'm never the same person.

Tolkien fans reacted so strongly to 'Lord Of The Rings' as a franchise because it stayed true; the heart of it was true to the book.

My house was very strange. I didn't do things other kids did because my parents were very strict - I stayed at home, quiet in my room.

For years I was doing the excruciating weightlifting of writing scripts - but then I stayed thin and someone else got all the muscles.

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