I don't believe that a piece of paper can decide your relationship status.

In football, the hero and legend status is given out far too easily for me.

Our politicians may fail us, but Status Quo always delivers on the promise.

I have been elevated to such a high status that the fall will be very steep.

What I want is not to become a status symbol, but to give beauty at a price.

Without movie parts I was reduced to freak status. I just couldn't stand it.

The people that were most interesting were always questioning the status quo.

I want to earn a top-contender status in the UFC, so I have to fight the best.

As a young player, achieving All-Star status isn't as easy as you might think.

The status quo on prescription drug prices is deeply broken and unsustainable.

No one went to the ballot box to vote for something worse than the status quo.

A brand today is much more than status. Consumers have to be able to trust it.

Whoever has an original thing to say, it is sort of a threat to the status quo.

Status based on wealth is an old-fashioned idea; I find it repugnant, actually.

Isn't it amazing how celebrity status preempts even the most ingrained hatreds?

I find celebrity status difficult to bear when I am in the company of my mother.

I don't accept the status quo. I do accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.

Nazism promoted Germany from a low to a fantastic physical and ideological status.

Every child should get an opportunity to study irrespective of the economic status.

Israel will not be deprived of its status as a strong, Jewish and democratic state.

Health care is the No. 1 concern of small businesses and the status quo is untenable.

The time has come when advertising in some hands has reached the status of a science.

I only want to use my status as a comic actor to bring about a difference to society.

The prestige of the Nobel Prize is such that one is suddenly promoted to a new status.

For our part, the U.S. must act quickly to ensure Most Favored Nation status to China.

Chicago is a world-class culinary center. We need to guard that reputation and status.

As an actor with a star status, I can't restrict myself to one type of films and roles.

Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.

I am profoundly concerned with the current treatment and status of Madoff fraud victims.

Men and women of high professional standing have been reduced to the status of vagrants.

I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.

I'm never satisfied with status quo, and a desire to make a difference is what drives me.

To be perfectly honest, I feel I have a duty to use my celebrity status in a positive way.

The Champions League enjoys a special status. It's the most attractive trophy you can win.

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.

Knowing your HIV status is so important for your future health and that of your loved ones.

Sharing is wonderful, but giving - I give, you take - often maintains the power status quo.

I don't think that the status of a show, big or small, should affect a person's performance.

There are also just as many, if not more, women who are anxious to hold down the status quo.

Faith in God's revelation has nothing to do with an ideology which glorifies the status quo.

The subject of bisexuality really needs much more discussion. It's a status that does exist.

In France, a first lady has no status, and therefore she isn't supposed to do anything else.

Every country where the the United States maintains troops has a status of forces agreement.

My Twitter account status used to say 'part-time playboy' on it, but I've taken that down now.

I still belong to a middle class family; middle class is a mindset than your financial status.

The true enemies of Social Security and Medicare are those who defend an imploding status quo.

I never liked the status quo. Once I went to college, I got very involved in student activism.

I think kids are all focused on their hierarchy and status, and I was low status or something.

If such a young nation as the U.S. could make it to superpower status, we could do it as well.

NGOs have a significant role to play, alongside governments, in improving the status of women.

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