Considering the alternative. . . it's not too bad at all.

Statistics are about as interesting as first base coaches.

Computers show up everywhere except the growth statistics.

The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.

I don't really care about statistics from other attackers.

We exchanged many frank words in our respective languages.

Killing one man is murder. Killing millions is a statistic

Can we consider the universe real, and if so, in what way?

I am not very good at statistics. I am also a poor thinker.

If the statistics are boring, you've got the wrong numbers.

That's the trouble with languages. They have to be learned.

Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future.

I wish to God these calculations had been executed by steam.

I found out that smoking is the leading cause of statistics.

I honestly don't care about individual awards or statistics.

The fairest order in the world is a heap of random sweepings.

He is trying to decide which of two daydreams he will inhabit.

Aggregate statistics can sometimes mask important information.

Satan delights equally in statistics and in quoting scripture.

To say a thing is natural is to condone it, never to praise it.

Statistics are like bikinis-they show a lot but not everything.

The bearings of this observation lays in the application of it.

Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.

God, to me, it seems, is a verb not a noun, proper or improper.

In statistics, what disappears behind rows of numbers is death.

Subconscious minds are no less fallible than the objective mind.

We must say that there are as many squares as there are numbers.

Baseball is not a lot of statistics to me. It's blood and tears.

I could care less about statistics. It's all about team success.

When all else failed, you had to rely on eyeball intrumentation.

Either I've been missing something or nothing has been going on.

Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Higher education is not necessarily a guarantee of higher virtue.

All statements are true, if you are free to redefine their terms.

Now, what I want is, Facts. . . . Facts alone are wanted in life.

What used to be called prejudice is now called a null hypothesis.

Just think of all the billions of coincidences that don't happen.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Human beings are prone to believe the things they wish were true.

Man must learn to simplify, but not to the point of falsification.

Baseball isn't statistics, it's Joe DiMaggio rounding second base.

The thing with high-tech is that you always end up using scissors.

A superstition is a premature explanation that overstays its time.

The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself.

You know, I think I'm the worst player to talk to about statistics.

History cannot be reduced to a set of statistics and probabilities.

It is easy to lie with statistics; it is easier to lie without them.

You can shape statistics to make them look however you want them to.

Statistics are to baseball what a flaky crust is to Mom's apple pie.

All ignorance toboggans into know and trudges up to ignorance again.

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