If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don't think ...

If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don't think there's anything that could stop me becoming President of the United States.

You mean in the state?

I've been to 57 states.

The States are nations.

Dada is a state of mind.

Life is a state of mind.

The United States is evil.

Sadness is a state of sin.

Boston is a state of mind.

Family - see Fascist State.

States are not moral agents.

Happiness is a state of mind.

Painting is a state of being.

Diplomacy is living in state.

The highest state is laughter.

Every State is a dictatorship.

Tantric Zen is a state of mind

Simplicity is a state of mind.

A Homeland, A State, A Leader.

I'm in a New York state of mind

I grew up in the United States.

A good deal is a state of mind.

Most jokes state a bitter truth.

Only the home can found a state.

Poverty is just a state of mind.

History is the memory of States.

The States acceded to the Union.

Uncertainty is the normal state.

To desire a state is to have it.

Better lose me than lose a state.

States Rights died at Appomattox.

Insanity is just a state of mind.

Your state of mind is everything.

Power is of an encroaching nature.

What state do you live in? Denial.

There will be no Palestinian state

All things are in a state of flux.

Taxes are the sinews of the state.

The steady state of disks is full.

Each state enjoys sovereign power.

Alaska itself is an unusual state.

The future is bright at Ohio State.

The prison is the state writ small.

From virtue all happy states arise.

Peace is our natural state of being.

This state of independence shall be!

I'm so dope I'm illegal in 55 states

Honor is unknown in despotic states.

Whatever insults my state insults me.

Who owns your body? You or the state?

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