Ask yourself not if this or that is expedient, but if it is right.

We live in a culture where European beauty standards are dominant.

If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards

Adopt the standard of perfection, because it is a perfect universe.

Standards are always out of date. That's what makes them standards.

I would encourage nonproprietary standards for tools and libraries.

We boast the highest standard of living when it's only the biggest.

There are so many double standards, not just in rap, but everywhere.

Cosmoe works on any of the standard filesystems available for Linux.

Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?

When faced with writer's block, lower your standards and keep going.

Arsenal's standards are very high so I've always tried to reach that.

I will not lower the standard of the Bible to my level of experience.

You figure out what your standards are, and I think that's important.

I set my standards so high, no one could be harsher on me than I was.

When the world becomes standard, I will start caring about standards.

Society has low standards for what is considered good or great music.

To be a standard shape is not all in life. To know is also important.

Action or inaction are both forms of leadership and standard setting.

Unfortunately, in American politics there are no standards for shame.

Don't judge yourself by someone else's standards. You will always lose

Nothing is sadder than having worldly standards without worldly means.

I dont think Paul Thomas Anderson has a standard approach to anything.

I have standards. Well, okay, they're love standards, but I have them.

I don't like playing standards. I like to do my own cutting edge work.

I do support high standards, strong accountability, and local control.

I have never seen a good organization where the standards weren't high.

A non-standard dialect is as valid communication system as the standard

Even when you're 50, you can make the effort to improve your standards.

Perfection is the lowest standard of achievement. Doing is the highest.

These sci-fi fans are phenomenal in the standards that they hold you to.

I'm not an expert on journalistic standards. I want to be clear on that.

Let us set up a standard around which the brave and the loyal can rally.

The standard treatments for cancer are not meant to heal, but to destroy.

It's one of the hardest things to translate anything that's not standard.

I should not be judged by a standard that's not applied to everyone else.

There are standards of the game that FIFA governs and promises to uphold.

I urge you to hold fast to your standards. I plead with you not to waver.

Whatever you really want, wants don't get met consistently, standards do.

If more than 10% of the people like a painting, you can be sure it's bad.

Even by Silicon Valley standards, PayPal's vision was massively ambitious.

Crime stories are often sensationalized. They can provoke lower standards.

I'm shocked at the sexism and double standard coming out of the far right.

On the [Andrew] Puzder point, I do agree there has been a double standard.

Most of my comedies were low on budgets - certainly by American standards.

I wanted to make a jazz record. I didn't want it to be a standards record.

Doctors have an ethical duty to follow the practices and standards of care.

I would love to work on a film which would be close to Hollywood standards.

Money-makers are tiresome company, as they have no standard but cash value.

Cynics are - beneath it all - only idealists with awkwardly high standards.

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