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I was a huge 'Breaking Bad' fan. I just loved the whole thing. Always interesting, always urgent. The stakes were always high.
You know the saying: he who doesn't understand history is doomed to repeat it. And when it's repeated, the stakes are doubled.
Asking for people's help - rather than directing it - is almost always the smart way of doing things, regardless of the stakes.
When a sports movie really works, it gets you on all levels, because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose.
In general, liberals fear conservative judges far too much. In almost all areas, in fact, they dramatically overstate the stakes.
When you are 15, everything is such high stakes, even tiny things. I think because of that, it is funny but sad at the same time.
Our keeper, Karen Bardsley, stakes out any penalty, any free-kick, any corner. KB knows the detail of how the person will take it.
Cancer is such a wake-up call to remind us how high the cosmic stakes really are and how short and brief and frail life really is.
I own almost 100 hotels in North America. Some of them are only in management, but some of them we have some small stakes in them.
I loved musicals because I felt like breaking out in song makes so much sense to me because it's the stakes of how you feel inside!
Like an audience entertained by a magician, we allow ourselves to be deceived by those with a stake in persuading us to ignore reality.
I think the stakes are always high when you're an artist of color - to get things right, to get things perfect and make everybody happy.
Arts and crafts, or getting to be in a play with people, or making a little short film, that's pure sugar, because the stakes are so low.
Sometimes, daily life doesn't match the high stakes that you feel! And I feel like that is wrestling. Wrestling actually makes sense to me.
Indie movies can be a lot more stressful than studio pictures. The stakes are just as high whether you're talking $3 million or $40 million.
I love things where I can be physical and I so love high stakes, and you usually don't get that unless you're doing a play or an action movie.
When the Champions League is at stake, ... you do everything you can, whether it's called gamesmanship or cheating, to put the opposition off.
The higher the stakes, the more responsible we have to be. It was with this in mind that I began to build my Green Economy and Climate Agenda.
People have nannies and big cars, and they want to go to Maui for Christmas. When there are those kind of stakes involved, people get ruthless.
Let's be honest, I'm not a guy who is going to grind out $10 entry fantasy matches. If I'm going to compete, I want to play at the highest stakes.
'Zero Dark Thirty' raised the stakes. It raised the stakes in cinema, man. I don't think people really know how to grasp what type of film this is.
The emotional stakes a memoirist bets with could not be higher, and it's physically enervating. I nap on a daily basis like a cross-country trucker.
The stakes in the encryption debate are high, with significant consequences for personal privacy, the U.S. private sector, and our national security.
With the parties at virtual parity and the ideological gulf between them never greater, the stakes of majority control of Congress are extremely high.
Penalty shoot-outs are the most high-pressure situation that a goalkeeper will face, and in a World Cup, it's even worse because the stakes are so high.
the real stakes in the theater are high - they are life stakes. That's what I love about it. You gamble with your life, and that's a gamble worth taking.
The death of chief justice Rehnquist and the president's nomination of John Roberts raises the stakes for the court and the American people exponentially.
Responsibility for overseeing the implementation of election law typically resides with partisan officials, many with public stakes in the election outcome.
I think the perception of wealth and power is that things just become easier and easier when in reality as you raise the stakes things become more stressful.
I think that 'Hangover II' is as funny as 'The Hangover I,' honest to God, but I think that it's a little bit darker, and the stakes are a little bit higher.
The rules I go by are: Always keep your villains bad, and keep the plot grounded and real. If you keep those stakes, the comedy will bounce off that and work.
We think it will be shortly afterwards, but it seems a terrible thing to gamble with such big stakes in diplomacy without having your master card in your hand.
You know, nothing is more important than education, because nowhere are our stakes higher; our future depends on the quality of education of our children today.
My lighting tends to use contrast as a reflection of the stakes in the scene. The higher the stakes, the more I feel I can get away with an exaggerated contrast.
The Internet is a good way to try some stuff with no big crew and no money being spent. Since there are no stakes to it, you can try to be a little experimental.
People think that, when you're doing comedy, nothing means anything, that people run around and act crazy. It's quite the opposite. The stakes are life-and-death.
If a subject excites us, if it stirs our deepest curiosity, or if we have to learn because the stakes are high, we pay much more attention. What we absorb sinks in.
Thoughtless risks are destructive, of course, but perhaps even more wasteful is thoughtless caution which prompts inaction and promotes failure to seize opportunity.
Some reviewers call my stories dark - and yes, there is violence and angst, and the stakes are high - but I like to think that the endings are satisfying and hopeful.
You know, parenting is so personal. And we're all afraid that we didn't quite get it right. And it feels like the stakes are so high. By we - what if we made a mistake?
You just become more mature as a human being, having a child. The stakes are a lot higher, things are different. It teaches you to be patient and it's changed me a lot.
I guess I'm attracted and repelled by isolation. It scares me. And it's why I tend to write about older characters, too, because for them the stakes are somewhat higher.
It's an interesting plot device to enter in a third wheel - it always helps raise the stakes for all parties involved. But often, those characters can be one-dimensional.
One of the great things about playing a fallible superhero, one who doesn't necessarily have superpowers, is that the stakes are raised by the prospect of them perishing.
In Bollywood, the film's stakes are as high as the actor. In Hollywood, they are way above, and the day we realise this in our industry, we will start appreciating actors.
My husband asked me once why I read so many mysteries, and part of it is just intellectual, part of it is the joy of any good book, but part of it is the moral stakes there.
Everybody who's been fired has heard before about the problems they have. They just don't know it's that serious. Once you know what the stakes are, you become more serious.
I think that's why I'm an actor: so I can tell those stories without having to really live through those stories with real consequences and real stakes, real responsibility.
We are living through the most exciting, challenging and most critical time in human history. Never before has so much been possible; and never before has so much been at stake.
Interest in certain themes doesn't mandate a personal stake or personal experience of those themes. I've killed people in plays, but no one asks me what it's like to kill people.