Spoilt is a euphemism for loved.

'Spoilt' is a euphemism for 'loved.'

There is nothing worse than a spoilt brat.

I hate being called spoilt. My life is ordinary.

I was probably spoilt, if I'm being totally honest.

I'm pretty spoilt when it comes to having a glam team.

Many excellent cooks are spoilt by going into the arts.

The only man who wasn't spoilt by being lionized was Daniel.

I feel like a spoilt rapper. I get to pick and choose everything.

I'm an only child, so I got spoilt a lot. Which was a good thing.

We've become lazy and a bit spoilt and we want our food quickly and easily.

I've always hated it when people overspend, are spoilt or throw their money away.

We are spoilt for beauty in Edinburgh, it's so close to the sea and the mountains.

You're spoilt as an actor if you are in that small percentage that works regularly.

I know, I'm like a kid. Maybe I was a bit too spoilt growing up. Everything just came like I wanted it to.

As a child, I was spoilt by my parents as an only son. They indulged my every whim, and I grew up in luxury.

I always wanted to do a web series where I play a negative character, or someone who's a druggie, or a spoilt child.

I'm spoilt. I like my own space. I don't even own a microwave, and men don't like that. They want to be looked after.

But I'm kind of spoilt when it comes to comedy. I was on 'Friends', which was one of the funniest things on television.

Whenever a relationship doesn't go on the right path, it affects me in some form, but it hasn't spoilt anything for me.

Sometimes I regret that I don't have a bit more fun with money. I should have spoilt myself a bit more. Life isn't going to last for ever.

I am not insecure or conscious that my image might get hampered. I don't think one should think the image will get spoilt due to Bigg Boss.'

I don't want to bring them up as spoilt, pampered kids. We don't want them to take our status for granted. They will have their own struggles.

I am very spoilt and want my travel to be smooth and peaceful. I don't like to rough it out, and I certainly do not fancy the idea of backpacking.

Shah Rukh Khan is magic, really, honestly. He spoilt me for life. There's nothing you can't talk to him about, and we've had amazing conversations.

Confidence was the backbone of my upbringing. I was an only child, so I was spoilt, loved, and given an enormous amount of confidence by my parents.

Touring is easy. My wife will be with me a lot of the time. We get spoilt rotten, and all I have to do is go on stage in wonderful places and play music.

The good thing about Hyderabad is the variety of cuisine available. From Nizami cuisine to Andhra food to Telengana delicacies, you are spoilt for choice.

There's a big difference between being privileged and being spoilt. My parents always said, 'Spoilt means ruined, and you're not ruined, just incredibly fortunate.'

I've been spoilt with 'Emmerdale' over the years. I've had a taste of high drama, action, explosive scenes, emotional scenes and the odd bit of comedy with Bernice.

I had a very spoilt childhood. Not that my family were incredibly wealthy, but we lived on the beautiful island of Hawaii where everything was lush and in abundance.

It's difficult working with very rich actors, because inevitably they become a little spoilt, and the managers and agents tend to control things more than is healthy.

When I left West Ham in 2004 there was a chance of them signing me instead of Spurs, but it isn't something I think about too often. I've been spoilt during my career.

I think, when you're younger, you're slightly spoilt with the situation you get put in and to get to work with the people I got to work with without really thinking about it.

I really make sure that my girls understand the importance of education. I don't want them to be spoilt and only know private school kids. I want them to behave well by example.

You can get spoilt in this game, you know. You reach the point where you get a new car and don't get excited about it. You get complacent, and that's what you've got to watch for.

There is so much to explore in Delhi. The city has many interesting experiences in terms of places and foods to offer. There are so many options that one is usually spoilt for choice.

What I definitely don't like is people calling me or any of my siblings spoilt because we're not. We are privileged but my parents have never given us wads of cash or designer bags or shoes.

'Sesame Street' was a pioneering educational T.V. show, intended to help underprivileged children. But even those of us middle-class kids spoilt for pedagogical choice couldn't get enough of it.

Actresses are so spoilt - we have someone who does our hair for us on set, so we don't know how to do it ourselves in real life. I know how to wash my hair and brush my teeth, but that's about it!

If you live in London, where politicians and media commentators spend most of their time, you are spoilt for transport choices - trains, an extensive underground network and a regular bus service.

Because let's be clear about this: birthdays are for children. It's the one day of the year where they get properly spoilt and are the centre of attention, and they get the presents they really, really want.

I like to give my kids the life I didn't have - they go to an excellent school; they have nice clothes, money for shopping. I'm quite generous with them, but they have fantastic manners - they're not spoilt.

I absolutely love my cricket. I would watch it six, seven hours a day when Australia were playing. I grew up in a very spoilt era of Shane Warne, Adam Gilchrist, Glenn McGrath, Brett Lee, Ricky Ponting and others.

I loathed my first term boarding at Bryanston school in Dorset. I hated being away from home; I think I had my parents in tears every time I spoke to them. I regret being so spoilt because within two terms I loved it.

My career has been very difficult. People respect the fact that I haven't just turned professional like Amir Khan or Audley Harrison, and it's been, 'Here's a million pound' - for spoilt brats to fight a couple of fights.

The Best of Elvis Presley, Doris Day, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Hailey and the Comets, Frank Sinatra, Peggy Lee, Frankie Laine all topped the charts in the '50s. Load a playlist of rock n' roll royalty. You're spoilt for choice.

When you're the youngest and the only boy, you get spoilt but you get told you're spoilt so you don't get to enjoy it very much. I was the only man in the house because my parents divorced and my dad moved away when I was 13.

I try to ensure my daughters are not spoilt. They are very aware of how lucky they are and appreciate it. We have had some lean years, so they know it's not all about luxury, travel, and hotels. They are grounded, and I'm grateful for that.

I grew up in England, went to a nice public school, then didn't want to go to university, so I thought I would wander around. I did a season skiing, a bit of sailing, typical spoilt brat stuff. I ended up in the Caribbean. I was having a blast.

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