The fly that touches honey cannot use it's wings; so too the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins it's freedom and hinders contemplation.

You do not need to work to become spiritual. You are spiritual; you need only to remember that fact. Spirit is within you. God is within you. (67)

A boat may stay in water, but water should not stay in boat. A spiritual aspirant may live in the world, but the world should not live within him.

Will I find spiritual communion with God sweet enough, and hope in his promises deep enough, not just to cope, but to flourish and rejoice in him?

The very way you breathe, sit, stand, eat, walk, work - everything can become yoga. You can use any process of life to transcend your limitations.

Physical beauty is the sign of an interior beauty, a spiritual and moral beauty which is the basis, the principle, and the unity of the beautiful.

On the spiritual path, the first thing is to experientially ascertain where your are right now. You can only start the journey from where you are.

I don't believe that there are no spiritual beings around us. I don't know what to call them, I don't know how they work. But I know they're there.

Realise that your dreams of financial independence have already come true on the mental plane, by the time you desire them or become aware of them.

When one begins to really feel into the spiritual dimension of their beings, they bump into love. They bump into compassion. They bump into beauty.

Spiritual life is like a moving sidewalk. Whether you go with it or spend your whole life running against it, you're still going to be taken along.

Our spiritual life cannot be measured by success as the world measures it, but only by what God pours through us- and we cannot measure that at all

At the end of the spectrum when you get to that 12th step, when you have that spiritual awakening we make ourselves available to help other people.

Irrespective of whether we are believers or agnostics, whether we believe in God or karma, moral ethics is a code which everyone is able to pursue.

There is no more beautiful sight than a young woman who glows with the light of the spirit who is confident and courageous because she is virtuous.

No problem is too small for His attention nor so large that He cannot answer the prayer of faith. Prayer surely is the passport to spiritual power.

When a fully qualified Mahayana disciple relies completely upon a fully qualified Mahayana Spiritual Guide the attainment of enlightenment is easy.

Bora Bora is peaceful and quiet, but fun, so full of cool activities and more; spiritual to the core, and you leave with fully recharged batteries.

I don't think atheism means one does not believe in a spiritual life. I think it means one does not follow the tenets of the established religions.

The scandalous bronze-lacquer age of hungry animalisms, spiritual impotences, and mendacities, will have to run its course, till the pit follow it.

Whether it is suffering or joy, going through experiences in life is not so much of a karma. Depriving yourself of any experience is the big karma.

Spiritual growth thrives in the midst of our problems, not in their absence. Spiritual growth occurs in the trenches of life, not in the classroom.

By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive.

If you’re really spiritual, then you should be totally independent of the good and the bad opinions of the world…you should have faith in yourself.

We do meditation, spiritual practices in this temporary body. Though this body is temporary, you have to use temporary things to realize the Truth.

I'm constantly jumping off cliffs and developing my wings on the way down. ... It's a gamble, a ... spiritual gamble. You are who you choose to be.

Books are true levelers. They give to all, who will faithfully use them, the society, the spiritual presence, of the best and greatest of our race.

Of course you don't die. Nobody dies. Death doesn't exist. You only reach a new level of vision, a new realm of consciousness, a new unknown world.

That is why I believe that art is so much more significant than either economics or philosophy. It is the direct measure of man's spiritual vision.

The act of resisting something is the act of granting it life... the more you resist, the more you make it real - whatever it is you are resisting.

Spiritual leadership is knowing where God wants people to be and taking the initiative to get them there by God's means in reliance on God's power.

The spiritual leader will choose the hidden path of sacrificial service and approval of the Lord over the flamboyant self-advertising of the world.

The love of Christ comes from simple people who love simple people. Never be fooled by the spiritual leader who knows a lot but doesn't love a lot.

Although spiritual growth puts our wills to the test, after the battle has been won, we recognize that the Lord is the true victor in the struggle.

Your reputation is in the hands of others. That's what the reputation is. You can't control that. The only thing you can control is your character.

Life is not accomplishing some special work but attaining to a degree of consciousness and inner freedom which is beyond all works and attainments.

Every successful cancer treatment includes the following three ingredients: thorough detoxification, a change of diet and mental or spiritual work.

Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is a mystic ladder which reaches from earth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to peace.

It should not be expected that what is spiritual can be brought before the eyes, before the senses. It must be experienced inwardly and spiritually.

If you want to create a beautiful world, people in positions of responsibility and power should know a certain sense of joyfulness and peacefulness.

Those who possess adequate spiritual and mental resources will meet the heartaches or the happiness of each day with courage, calmness and capacity.

Without birth or death, eternal, ever-existing, free, unchangeable and beyond all conditions is this Soul of man - the real Self of Man - the Atman.

Beauty is the highest of all these occult influences, the quality of appearances that thru' the sense wakeneth spiritual emotion in the mind of man.

Expect people to be better than they are; it helps them to become better. But don't be disappointed when they are not; it helps them to keep trying.

The spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew. Love is meant to bring us closer to God.

Compassion automatically brings happiness and calmness. Then, even if you receive disturbing news, it will be easier to take, as your mind is still.

Africa is our center of gravity, our cultural and spiritual mother and father, our beating heart, no matter where we live on the face of this earth.

It is one of the commonest of our mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all that there is to perceive.

When you get to a higher level of consciousness, though, when you get into a spiritual approach to life, you are not trying to get someplace else...

Warriors do not win victories by beating their heads against walls, but by overtaking the walls. Warriors jump over walls; they don't demolish them.

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