The value of life does not depend upon the place we occupy. It depends upon the way we occupy that place.

I describe myself as a "spiritual sampler," raised Catholic, been Baptist, Methodist, and a Unity member.

There are two ways to change things: Either you are forced to change or you have the intuition to change.

To seek the perfection of the warrior's spirit is the only task worthy of our temporariness, our manhood.

The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.

Working by heart means using your feelings and emotions to lead you to your spiritual sense of existence.

In a spiritually sensitive culture, then, it might well be that age is something to be admired or envied.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

When Christ came into the world, peace was sung; and when He went out of the world, peace was bequeathed.

When you contact the Higher Self, the source of power within, you tap into a reservoir of infinite power.

Love is the real work of your life. It is your spiritual path. It is the key to your growth and evolution.

There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.

Meditation does not mean you have to grin every moment of your life, but to learn to let your bones smile.

What we refer to as yoga is just a technology to make your energies function by choice, not by compulsion.

Priests focus on the spiritual. As a lay person I could show people how to be good Catholics in the world.

Unforgiveness is spiritual filthiness, so get washed in the water of God's Word to forgive and stay clean.

Tolerance gives us spiritual insight, which is as far from fanaticism as the north pole is from the south.

I focus on spiritual wealth now, and I'm busier, more enthusiastic, and more joyful than I have ever been.

Instead of asking, “what do I want from life?,” a more powerful question is, “what does life want from me?

People look at me as spiritual... but I am also very logical, very business-minded. The two come together.

If I would expect better spiritual conditions to serve, I would not have started until the present moment.

If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return.

Agnosticism is the natural attitude of the evolutionist. How can a brute mind comprehend spiritual things?

If you pay sufficient attention, everything in life is magnificent, everything is a doorway to the Divine.

Everything you possess of skill, and wealth, and handicraft, wasn't it first merely a thought and a quest?

As long as you are a part of the physical process of the existence, there is nothing that does not change.

My view of the afterlife is that it's made of different levels, depending on how spiritual a life we live.

There are five billion human beings and in a certain way I think we need five billion different religions.

Perhaps the greatest psychological, spiritual, and medical need that all people have is the need for hope.

To love someone in the spiritual sense is not based on how I want to love you; its based on what you want.

Energy functioning in a pattern becomes matter. That is all life is... Matter and energy are interrelated.

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make men rejoice.

The enemy is a spiritual enemy. He's called the principality of darkness. The enemy is a guy called Satan.

Only when we can accept God as he is can we give up the desire for spiritual experiences that we can feel.

When I write my music I see all the rivers flowing... sensual, spiritual, religious, animal, intellectual.

Having the Creator in my life, having the spiritual connection to the divine intelligence that created me.

Satan is attacking the great institutions of America. This is a spiritual war. I believe in good and evil.

Surrender is the most difficult thing in the world while you are doing it and the easiest when it is done.

Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow.

No salvation without regeneration - no spiritual life without a new birth - no heaven without a new heart.

At the most subtle level, your inner intelligence is steadily progressing along the corridors of eternity.

Science demands objective factual evidence - proof; spiritual experience is subjective and leads to faith.

Devotion is a place where you do not exist; life just flows through you as a certain sweetness and beauty.

The personal needs a base, a body to identify oneself with, just as a colour needs a surface to appear on.

The three ingredients of poetry: the mystery of the universe, spiritual curiosity, the energy of language.

The key to continual and deeper spiritual renewal and revival is the continual re-discovery of the gospel.

I wonder if there's such a thing as a spiritual dentist? I think my whole personality is full of cavities!

If two people are at completely different stages in their spiritual life, that can present a real problem.

I accept relationship as my primary teacher about myself, other people, and the mysteries of the universe.

Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.

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