The study of mathematics is the indispensable basis for all intellectual and spiritual progress.

The power of human thought grows exponentially with the number of minds that share that thought.

Skillfully engaging in intimate relationships can be one of the most potent spiritual practices.

There is a deep need in the world just now for guidance - almost any sort of spiritual guidance.

I like the Beatles. They're at the core of my musicality. And John Lennon's my spiritual father.

Fighting is not physical, fighting is spiritual. It's the determination and the will in the guy.

Any method to heighten the presence of that which is the source of creation within you, is yoga.

This is what love does and continues to do. It tastes like honey to adults and milk to children.

The inward journey is about finding your own fullness, something that no one else can take away.

Keep your mental and spiritual contact points cleaned so that God can operate through your mind.

You can get spiritual things out of books and stories and they have nothing to do with religion.

The greater the force of your compassion, the greeater your resilience in confronting hardships.

Spiritual life is absolute reality. Krishna is real but we have lost the ability to realize him.

Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.

Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul.

If you become so intensely curious that without knowing you cannot live, that is called seeking.

I am not bothered by the fact that I am not understood. I am bothered when I do not know others.

Say not, I have found the path of the soul Say rather, I have met the soul walking upon my path.

In the Bhagavat culture worship of the spiritual master plays a very important role in our life.

Devotion is a tool to dissolve yourself into nothingness and become the very hand of the Divine.

The mind is like a fertile garden in which anything that is planted, flowers or weeds, will grow.

Scientific, like spiritual truth, has ever from the beginning been descending from heaven to man.

The Spirit is neither good nor bad, it runs where the wild heart leads" "Wisdom begins in wonder.

As we immerse ourselves in the service of others, we find our spiritual selves and come unto Him.

Thankfulness is a humble, open and prayerful attitude that helps you receive more of God's grace.

We will act consistently with our view of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.

Music speaks from spirit to spirit and in that sense you could call it a true spiritual language.

In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.

The dominant characteristic of an authentic spiritual life is the gratitude that flows from trust

When one's eyes are anointed with the salve of prema, spiritual love then we could see Vrindavan.

If we do not work for individual transformation, talking about world peace is just entertainment.

Faith is a spiritual force....It is substance. Faith has the ability to effect natural substance.

If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.

The less you obey the Word of God, the more you distance yourself from God in the spiritual realm

Nightingales are put in cages because their songs give pleasure. Whoever heard of keeping a crow?

The Devil is a spiritual lunatic, but, like many lunatics, he is extremely plausible and cunning.

No spiritual mind remains within itself; it is always aspiring and going beyond its own strength.

Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.

Spirituality isn't static. It's an evolving optimism that won't let hardship get the best of you.

All our problems are spiritual, and our only spiritual problem is not realizing we are spiritual.

You can be sure that your deepest desires reveal important truths about your spiritual condition.

Deep down in me I knowed it was a lie, and He knowed it. You can't pray a lie - I found that out.

You move totally away from reality when you believe that there is a legitimate reason to suffer".

When Eve dropped her shield of faith, every other piece of her spiritual armor became vulnerable.

God is my spiritual guide. Half the music I come up with I really don't know where it comes from.

The physical world is too good a gift to be reduced to an object lesson about 'spiritual things'.

I didn't believe in spiritual homelands, and found God as readily in a strip mall as in a mosque.

If anyone makes himself his own master in the spiritual life, he makes himself scholar to a fool.

Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write a new one.

I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.

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