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The spinning wheel and the spinning wheel alone will solve, if anything will solve, the problem of the deepening poverty of India.
If you're genetically predisposed to having bigger, more muscular legs, spinning is definitely going to accentuate that, for sure.
Sometimes I go through a yoga phase or a spinning phase, but I try to vary my workouts so my body doesn't get used to any one thing.
General George Patton, General Douglas MacArthur are spinning in their grave at the stupidity of what we're doing in the Middle East.
Who’s to say what’s impossible? Well they forgot this world keeps spinning. And with each new day, I can feel a change in everything.
When the wheel was accepted as part of the national flag, it was surely implied that the spinning wheel would hum in every household.
Boycott brought about anyhow of British cloth cannot yield the same results as such boycott brought about by hand-spinning and khaddar.
If something bothers you, focus on the solution or the desired outcome, not the part that has you spinning out in the middle of the night.
I so wanted out of this conversation, but it was like a car accident: Once you started spinning, you could only wait and see what you hit.
No spinning," I said. I wasn't sure my head or heart could take it. Up close, he was so warm, and so beautiful. I was already dizzy enough.
I do body conditioning, spinning and yoga. On the treadmill, I'll do intervals of running flat and then on incline. I'll do that for an hour.
Just as there are signs by which you can recognize violence with the naked eye, so is the spinning wheel to me a decisive sign of nonviolence.
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
I run a solid 4-6 miles at a time, and over the last year two years I've gotten really into SoulCycle. It's sort of an evolved form of spinning.
So much of what we get on our news debate shows is really people spinning one way or the other, giving their talking points one way or the other.
I try to become more humble and more myself with every year. There was a while when I got famous where I was so confused and my head was spinning.
Goth is dead, punk is dead, and rock n' roll is dead. Trends are dead. Nothing exists anymore because the world is spinning faster than any trend.
I've been lucky to work with people that I like most of the time. If I don't like them, I'll play head games with them to get their minds spinning.
Even as a little kid I knew that spinning a dreidel on the floor for literal pennies was a sad consolation for the joys of trimming a Christmas tree.
In 'The One Who Falls,' three women and three men, in everyday clothes, negotiate each other while moving, often in unison, on a giant spinning tile.
A billion stars go spinning through the night, / glittering above your head, / But in you is the presence that will be / when all the stars are dead.
I do a lot of working out, but I haven't been kicking for a while, so one time I was rehearsing a spinning roundhouse and darned near threw out my leg.
Joy is big. Joy lives in your own drunken electrons, billions of them, spinning and dancing without end in their own intimate Universe, longing for You.
I started seeing a lot of girl DJs spinning at the fashion events I always attend, and I thought it looked super fun, so one day I just decided to learn!
When you're spinning a two-seam, getting on the side of the ball to get more run or sink can be good, but it can really be detrimental to your four-seam.
Someone with a figure like Jennifer Aniston has a trainer, a cook spinning out some version of the latest diet, and probably a stop at the tanning salon.
The chance of messing up and falling significantly increases when you're flipping through the air three times while spinning and trying to grab your skis.
If every human being disappeared off the face of the earth in an instant, the earth would still keep spinning and the planet would develop new life forms.
My Swaraj takes note of bhangis, dheds, dublas and the weakest of the weak, and except the spinning wheel I know no other thing which befriends all these.
In my better sense of mind, I know that I'm far from alone and far from the worst, and the earth keeps spinning. Everything keeps moving, with or without me.
I'm a big fan of spinning and yoga. To strengthen my core, kick-boxing is really effective. The resistance tones everything, and it's a great stress reliever.
Guys who aren't going to be brought down on first contact, they'll get you fired up. When you see guys spinning away and getting extra yards, it fires you up.
I'm a working musician, so it's what I do. I kind of always have lots of plates spinning, and it's the ones that keep spinning the longest that I end up doing.
The spinning wheel is the one thing to which all must turn to in the Indian clime for the transition stage at any rate and the vast majority must for all time.
I think, sometimes, when you get a part, you're almost cooked. You're ready to go, and you know that you can start spinning plates and put your stamp on things.
I'm the type of person that will do triple sessions in one day. I'll do Pilates, I'll do spinning, and then I'll go to the gym and do weights - which is insane.
I am the man who stands on the stage spinning plates on the top of poles. Every now and then the PM gives me another plate and I have to keep that going as well.
A lot of times life is spinning so fast around you that you kind of think it's out of control and that's when you need to slow down a little bit and take a break.
'Having it all' is such an intimidating concept. Just when you think you have all those plates spinning perfectly... something changes. It is a constant balancing act.
I have vertigo. Vertigo makes it feel like the floor is pitching up and down. Things seem to be spinning. It's like standing on the deck of a ship in really high seas.
I have never seen a proton or electron spinning around it. I have never actually seen a chromosome. I trust that they exist because people who I trust tell me they do.
There is no yajna (sacrifice) greater than spinning calculated to bring peace to the troubled spirit, to soothe the distracted student's mind, to spiritualize his life.
I had that upbringing. Of watching 'Bonanza,' watching 'Hee Haw,' which both black and white would watch. I rode horses. I did gun spinning as a kid. I do these things.
Ant has been so supportive. He's very grounded. As he entered my world, there's so many false stories spinning out there and he's never said one word to me about any of it.
I've never been a big fan of subtle art. I like art that gets deep into my head and starts my brain spinning with new ideas and inspiration and my whole body is full of energy.
When I work out in the morning, I go bare-faced. I do spinning, and it's dark in there anyway, so no one sees you. If it's after work, I remove whatever's on my skin from the day.
For 'Death Car' I had three vehicles for the leading lady, because you never know when something is going to go wrong. You can blow a tire or start spinning around and hit a lamppost.
I work out six days a week. I do pilates, Bikram yoga and spinning. Every once in awhile, I'll throw weights in. I like to get some kind of cardio in every day, even if it's just hiking.
If we just sit and exist, and understand that, I think it will be helpful in a world that seems like a record that's going faster and faster, we're spinning off the edge of the universe.
Times might be tough, your head and thoughts might be spinning, but I find it's physically impossible to do that spiral thing when your mind is focused on giving and creating opportunity.