I maintain by going to spin four or five days a week. I love that I can get a solid butt-kicking in 40 minutes. I also strength train two or three times a week.

I have never really gotten to write Catwoman. She's one of the few iconic females at DC, along with Supergirl, that I haven't really gotten to take out for a spin.

Social distance makes it all the easier to focus on small differences between groups and to put a negative spin on the ways of others and a positive spin on our own.

I have different hats; I'm a mother, I'm a woman, I'm a human being, I'm an artist and hopefully I'm an advocate. All of those plates are things I spin all the time.

Shatner will spin lines in ways you don't see coming - he winds the audience down like a spring and hits the line so hard, they erupt. It's amazing to watch actually.

In ramp skating, there's this guy Alex Perelson who's really coming into his own and doing some amazing new stuff we haven't seen before. Just different types of spin.

That is the thing I'm most grateful for in this industry to be able to spin in those different mediums, with television, film and the stage - at this stage of the game.

I write in coffee shops, libraries, parks, museums. I get antsy and then get on my bike and go someplace else, letting the ideas spin around in my head as I dodge taxis.

Trump wants to repeal birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens, so Fox has joined conventional liberal opinion in opposing it. Welcome to Fox's My Spin Zone.

It is always challenging bowling abroad - you don't get much spin, bounce. You do get bounce, but you don't get sideways spin. It is always drifting kind of spin you get.

The whole narrative of the 'Return to the Land' was completely PR spin. Fans ate it up because it painted LeBron as the hero coming back to save Cleveland from obscurity.

To be sure, administrations since Ronald Reagan had gone out of their way to massage and 'spin' news to the president's advantage, while the media did its best to un-spin it.

I really never thought I was that good at film. And honestly still don't. My strength is language. My background is monologues and a certain kind of Brechtian spin on theater.

I'm really looking at questions of power, navigation, and spin. Then I am also looking for real-world stories that give me greater insight into smart and new ways of thinking.

I remain terrified of the capacity of the media, the capacity of spin doctors, here and abroad, particularly the United States media, to perpetuate false lies, perpetuate lies.

I normally hit the gym five times a week. I tend to do half an hour of cardio - on the treadmill or a spin class - then head for the weights. I do a lot of core work, obviously!

'Let the Great World Spin' at the end talks a lot about connections and light and possibility and the fact that the world doesn't end. Even in the darkest times, we have to go on.

I think the combo of spin and yoga is a yin and yang thing. It's very important to have balance. I like to bring energy to yoga, and spinning gets you very connected to your core.

I struggle with the idea of comparing people's work and art. The notion of giving awards or putting a competitive spin on something that is a relative art form is sort of odd to me.

I was obsessed with 'Top Spin' for some reason, and I wanted to be the best in the game. I think at one time on Xbox Live I was ranked about 60th. I just couldn't put that one down.

Every age sort of has its own history. History is really the stories that we retell to ourselves to make them relevant to every age. So we put our own values and our own spin on it.

Public policy is designed by spin doctors who aim to keep our heads below the water. The public good is not a consideration, and their self-serving agendas prevail over common sense.

I developed the Clock Theory to help me time records; you know, spin the record back two revolutions or whatever and then play the break, spin the other one back two, play, like that.

I feel that Babymetal, it's one of my duties to pass down to future generations just how amazing metal music is, and hopefully they can put their own spin on what metal music is to them.

I felt that 'Deep Space' was the way to do a spin off series of an existing franchise where you really are doing a very different show. It's a different format. It's a different feeling.

I work with structure, but I go outside the box and give it my own spin. I adore the challenge of creating truly modern clothes - where a woman's personality and sense of style are realized.

I know my body's limits. I've never enjoyed Spin classes, where they're like, 'Push it further!' I'm like, 'No. If I pull something, I can't work tomorrow.' That's why I gave up Bikram yoga.

The simplest way to do something cool is the cross-turn. Like in the '80s - Michael Jackson did it. You jump and cross your legs together at the same time, and then spin out of it. That's it.

The U.S. invaded the wrong country, destroying an odious government that was not responsible for 9/11. I don't know how you recover from invading the wrong country, no matter how you spin it.

I used to be so intimidated by spin classes. I'd always go by and see people on their bikes looking so intense. But one day my sister and I worked up the courage to go in, and now we're hooked!

If you think the Obama White House and Ben Rhodes lying to the American people about Iran - and laughing about it - was bad, just wait until Hillary Clinton's spin doctors get hold of the media.

We each have our own style but yeah, when you boil it down like there are certain things that human beings just are predisposed to laugh at and we're just kind of all putting our own spin on it.

I was never a big networker, but I was a spin doctor, all those shock shows, that's how I got my first backers. But fashion's a scary industry to be in, especially if you've not grown up with it.

I trained the day before I gave birth and the only reason I didn't on the day I was giving birth was that I had to be in hospital at 6:30 A. M. to be induced so I wasn't able to make a spin class.

I think Augusta will be a really good course for me because I hit the ball very high, and I'll be able to hit some shorter irons into those firm and fast greens, so having maximum spin won't hurt.

I really don't have a lot of interest in national politics, and it's because I'm a skeptic. I think you can accomplish a lot more locally. I don't want to spin the wheels and not get anything done.

The Gulf of Mexico, they believe, is a huge asteroid. That was an impact zone, you know that? Yeah, for that big a thing to actually hit our globe, it would have had to adjusted the spin, the axis.

People shouldn't look at me and think life is one big piece of glamour. That's the marketing, the spin. Life is challenging. But I have courage, strength, and enough good health to see the positive.

Firstly the cars aren't too complicated. They have no traction control, for example, which means you can spin if you try too hard and damage your tires if you're not careful with your driving style.

New terms used like, 'overseas contingency operation' instead of the word 'war' - that reflects a worldview that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can't spin our way out of this threat.

I like to think about stringing songs together like a string of pearls, or a string of beads, but ultimately it has to be stuff that really works with the band, and gives a spin to the older material.

For the live shows, I'm just getting my song together. I go back to my hotel room and I just listen to my song over and over again, figure out how to make it different and put my little Pia spin on it.

Small samples in the centrifuge will spin at varying rates to create synthetic gravity, like the gravity of Mars or the gravity of the moon, and measure how the specimens respond within the centrifuge.

Nothing is worse than washing a head of lettuce or greens, then trying to blot the water with paper towels. A salad spinner lets you rinse, then spin all the water off completely. Plus, it's fun to use.

Too many people don't look at things objectively and try to see the facts; they instead look at them through their partisan lenses and try to figure out how to twist or spin them to fit their own 'side.'

I box a lot, I spin and I surf. I try to mix it up. I obviously have to be in shape 24 hours and the gym can be super monotonous, so I just get outside and try to make it fun so my body doesn't get bored.

I got to watch my heroes meet him and saw how they reacted, whether it was Joe Strummer or Tom Waits. It was peculiar. I'm so stoked to meet Tom Waits, and he's so nervous to meet my dad. It's a head spin.

To apply spin with security, you must learn to make a snug bridge with your forefinger looped over the cue. When you hit the cueball, follow straight through; don't let your cue rise in the air after impact.

There's absolutely nothing irrational about me; insane, yes, irrational, no. But my dumbest fear would be spinning in the magic tea cups. Who the hell wants to pay to spin around like a bent yoyo for laughs?

Certainly, no studio is going to put its money and its muscle behind something that they don't think they can spin five or six movies out of and build a whole kind of imaginary universe from anymore, I think.

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