We are a nation that has a government-not the other way around. And that makes us special among the nations of the earth.

We'd love to be involved with the creation of something very special, something quite large and something quite exciting.

The Celtic fans are very special and the club and players can be very proud of them. They are the best I have ever heard.

At the end of the day, we all want to win, so everybody has to sacrifice when you want to be a part of something special.

It's impossible that we're alone in the universe. Every time we think we're more special than others, we're proven wrong.

Kolkata will always be special to me, for the simple reason that it played a crucial role in the way my career shaped up.

I simply find it boring to walk around like everybody else. I find it really great to stand out and do something special.

I was covering the Supreme Court when it decided Gideon v. Wainright, and the case has always had special meaning for me.

That's her secret, I suppose. Everything that happens to her she's proud of. She makes it special by it happening to her.

People who come to Canada and have big dreams are really achieving something special from an entrepreneurial perspective.

Peacetime Special Forces are different than wartime Special Forces. And I'm just not sure I was born to be in peace time.

You're all beautiful in your own unique ways and there is no one in the world like you and that is what makes us special.

I'd have to say that muaythai is something special. It's really demanding and it's becoming popular all around the world.

The last time I did anything like this [special powers] was with the Narnia film with two swords, the same but different.

Every place where I played or managed is special to me because of the memories and the friendships that each afforded me.

If somebody for some reason, for music or for movie, becomes famous, it's because they have something, something special.

I don't think any person has any special knowledge about what God has planned for me and you any more than me and you do.

The truth is, you are your own “special someone,” and loving yourself is the first step to finding love outside yourself.

For a long time I wanted to be special and to stick out amongst the crowd. Something I yearn for now is to be one of many.

I think it's very hard to direct foreign language actors, but Carl Rinsch found a great way. A special super visional way.

Franny was staring at the little blotch of sunshine with a special intensity, as if she were considering lying down in it.

It is a special part of the divine worship that we owe to God, to be content in a Christian way, as has been shown to you.

I believe not only in "special providences," but in the whole universe as one infinite complexity of "special providences.

When you have a child who has special needs, you really start thinking about children across the board with special needs.

When the British Open is in Scotland, there's something special about it. And when it's at St. Andrews, it's even greater.

Everybody says that they're against the special interests. I'm the only one the special interests don't give any money to.

A photograph can, by the addition of an unimportant spot of color, become a photomontage, a work of art of a special kind.

Meaning is malleable: take it out, you get nihilism and despair. Put it in, you get sacredness and something most special.

Character shows itself apart from genius as a special thing. The first point of measurement of any man is that of quality.

Work Hard, Enjoy what you do and be good to other human beings, we all equal, Being a good persons whats make you special.

I believe every person has the ability to achieve something important, and with that in mind I regard everyone as special.

At this point, I'm happy to be part of something special. As an actor I liked to choose scripts that I'm passionate about.

We live at a very special time . . . the only time when we can observationally verify that we live at a very special time!

There's something special for everyone to do. Remember, no experience is a bad experience unless you gain nothing from it.

I feel that God has given me a very special opportunity that I should not let go to waste. I use the gift he has given me.

I have trouble sleeping maybe one night a year. On that special night, I get up and read on the couch until I fall asleep.

Whenever something good happens, write it down. Buy a special notebook . . . and use it to list all the good in your life.

I am confident that partnering my Dollywood Company with a great company like Gaylord will create something truly special.

When we see a special reformer we feel like asking him, What right have you, sir, to your own virtue? Is virtue piecemeal?

With prose you can incorporate more details, develop scenes, sustain the tension in a special way. Prose has its own speed.

There is something special about the beauty in the unclear, the ambiguity, the in-between that you can't totally recognise.

I don't go to church on Sunday, don't get on my knees to pray, or memorize the books of the Bible, I got my own special way

I knew that the Mets had never had a no-hitter. I never had one. This is very special. I knew this means a lot to New York.

The world is so big, and there's so many people, and there's only one you, and that's so special and unique to think about.

Success is about making your life a special version of unique that fits who you are - not what other people want you to be.

Higher educating has so many challenges, and private higher education has a special challenge of ever rising tuition costs.

Go for a walk through Central Park and stop at the Met. It's the best way to get a feel for what makes New York so special.

US special forces are closing in on Saddam Hussain but they're afraid to go in. He's hiding out in Tony Martin's farmhouse.

Texas was such a welcoming place, and with its unbelievable history and tradition, it's extra special to be a part of that.

When I find something at a flea market or an antique store, it feels more special and I'm more inclined to want to wear it.

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