Most of us can agree there is nothing more special, mysterious, mystical, powerful and important than life!

What's special about Amsterdam is that the city is able to connect worlds that are not otherwise connected.

It was an extraterrestrial performance. It is very special to go below 4:50, but I believe I can do better.

What makes the farmers market such a special place is that you are actually creating community around food.

The problem is that we let special-occasion food become everyday food. That goes for soda and french fries.

It's very rare that you get a chance to play in a Test and that's what makes it so special and prestigious.

Our focus should be on developmental dimensions of atomic science with a special outreach to India's youth.

The Federal Communications Commission needs to listen and serve the American people, not special interests.

So, when the special effects are at the service of the story and draw you into it, that is really the magic.

You can't, or you shouldn't, be nominated for an Oscar unless you've turned in a performance that's special.

I get a lot of demos sent my way, and I listen to them, and sometimes they just have something very special.

Vadim changed my mind about acting. Vadim was the only man who was certain I had something special to offer.

Leadership is the special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon.

London, from the architecture to the culture to the fashion to the accents, feels like it's a special place.

It does not seem a year Since last we sent to you Our wishes for your special day And all that you would do.

Let every one ascertain his special business and calling, and then stick to it if he wants to be successful.

What's so wonderful about business is that every time I start thinking I'm special, I get knocked on my ass.

If you don't do something special against Chris Evert you find yourself losing concentration after 35 shots.

Someday you'll find someone special again. People who've been in love once usually do. It's in their nature.

I agree that special interest sections between Portugal and Indonesia can proceed without me being released.

This isn't a Christmas special! This is my life. In the real world, miracles and goodness just don't happen.

You sense when something is special, but you don't know how special it is until it's in front of an audience.

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.

You're special, if you have some power in the world. People are looking at you and they think you're special.

Eighteenth century American furniture and the design of the architects Greene and Greene are my special love.

Fear, in evolution, has a special prominence: perhaps more than any other emotion it is crucial for survival.

An artist is not special. An artist is an ordinary person who can take ordinary things and make them special.

When the five of our voices come together, there is a special something there. That is something that I know.

He brings something special. I don't know what it is, but if you ask him, you couldn't understand his answer.

I became a vegetarian, and I carried around a suitcase full of vitamins and special drinks everywhere I went.

Alexander McQueen... The fashion world has not only lost an icon but we have also lost a very special friend.

I think that in big-budget movies there's a lot of other stuff going on besides acting, like special effects.

My own share making contribution [to the the well-being of humanity]. So I never feel I am something special.

I learned at an early age that I was given something special when I was born, and that was the gift of music.

The fun part of being a girl is that there are little beauty things you can do to make yourself feel special.

I only storyboard scenes that require special effects, where it is necessary to communicate through pictures.

My style is basically trend following, with some special pattern recognition and money management algorithms.

When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can strong as they can be.

Life is not a matter of creating a special name for ourselves, but of uncovering the name we have always had.

He was beginning to understand: You were treated special and, later, something horrible would be told to you.

I am always amazed how much a certain facility with a special and apparently narrow technique can accomplish.

I had a wonderful holiday, a wonderful New Year and it was very special. That's all you're getting out of me.

You are not special. There is no plan for you. Nothing happens for a reason. Just try not to die and shut up.

It takes a good car for anybody to be good, but it takes a good car and a special driver to achieve greatness.

I like the world we've got. If there is anything special and magical, I have to find it in the ordinary stuff.

It is because of me that today the union government has sanctioned special funds for the development of Bihar.

People get successful and they start saying, 'Well of course I am! I was chosen! I'm special!' No, you're not.

Walk into a room, knowing you are somebody, somebody special. Don't ever let them smash that or pull you down.

We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens.

I don't do that many appearances at conventions. I like to keep them special for me. And for the fans, I hope.

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