Right now we're in a special and powerful position, because the world is having a spiritual awakening.

I believe in paying special attention to every project that you do and supporting the projects you do.

I think one of the reasons I pushed myself so hard and worked so hard is because I never felt special.

Only sixteen players have hit fifty or more homers in a season. To me, that's a very special milestone.

Doo-wop is special music to me because it's so straightforward and melody-driven and captures emotions.

When I took the oath of office, I pledged loyalty to only one special interest group - ‘We the people’.

To me, strange is just another way of saying unusual. And unusual is just another way of saying special

With hardly any effort at all, she made me feel special. Just like all the other people she toyed with.

I don't really believe in anything special, but I respect God. I go to church sometimes, but not often.

Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams. The world needs that special gift that only you have.

There is a huge misconception that you need to spend hours in the kitchen to produce something special.

In Sweden, we've moved away from the notion that mothers have some magical, special bond with children.

When you start believing you're something special, then you're not going to be striving to move forward.

I'm also doing a special for Comedy Central called Autobiography. It's going to be a spoof of Biography.

No tricks, gimmicks, special pills, special potions, special equipment. All it takes is desire and will.

When will it no longer be necessary to attach special weight to the word 'woman' and raise it specially?

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a unique and biologically special place that should be preserved.

Securing distribution is always a battle. And to get a film released is a pretty special accomplishment.

He who first called money the sinews of the state seems to have said this with special reference to war.

Mental time-travel is one of the greatest gifts of the mind. It makes us human, and it makes us special.

The world will always punish the few people with special talents the rest of us don’t recognize as real.

You shouldn't wait for other people to make special things happen. You have to create your own memories.

The strength of a man's virtue should not be measured by his special exertions, but by his habitual acts.

The most special relationships, in my experience, are based on a combination of trust and mutual respect.

When unrequited love is the most expensive thing on the menu, sometimes you settle for the daily special.

Saving faith is the faith of God's elect; the special gift of God to them, wrought in them by his Spirit.

The United Nations has come under the control of outlaw nations and self-serving special interest groups.

No trooper, no special forces operative wants to sit behind a desk. We joined up to kick some doors down.

What makes that record special is something that is gone from music today - it's called a rhythm section.

Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap.

All front-line combat jobs in the infantry, special operations units and elsewhere are now open to women.

It always helps to know that other parents with special-needs children are surviving, and surviving well.

I'm sorry I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists that support me.

This season is my most special and most cherished. All my focus is on getting that championship back here.

Part of the art of bowling spin is to make the batsman think something special is happening when it isn't.

That's what people do when they find a special place that wild and full of life, they trample it to death.

I am coming back to that which has most affected me. I'm coming back to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

My mom gave me a Chanel dress when I was younger. I felt special. I think anybody feels special in Chanel.

Buy things you truly love, things that are special, but not a lot of them. It’s about value, not quantity.

The reasons kids get into trouble in one way or another is because - Who ever told them they were special?

Suicides have a special language. Like carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build.

Beauty is the result of realizing what is special about you and not focusing on the things you don't like.

I don't have time for any special skin routines. Many a night I go to bed with the gloppy mascara and all.

I think [Guettel is] probably one of our most special writers now, pushing things in ways that are unique.

My relationship and the bond with the people in Montreal was kind of special and doesnt happen very often.

My relationship and the bond with the people in Montreal was kind of special and doesn't happen very often.

I think that the special thing about radio is the off switch. If something's not pleasing you, turn it off.

Photoshop makes things look beautiful just as you have special effects in movies. It's just a part of life.

Part of making any endeavour is that each one has its own special problems. It's the nature of the process.

When I listen to those tapes now, the real cocaine shows; there's just nothing special about their content.

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