Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.

Everyone, rich or poor, deserves a shelter for the soul, architects should lead in procuring social and environmental change.

So what is wild? What is wilderness? What are dreams but an internal wilderness and what is desire but a wildness of the soul?

You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever.

For thou hast given me in this beauteous face A world of earthly blessings to my soul, If sympathy of love unite our thoughts.

Perhaps, she says (Madame de la Rougierre), Other souls than human are sometimes born into the world & clothed in human flesh.

There is a universal intelligence that we call God or Soul or Spirit or Consciousness, and it is everywhere and in all things.

Rule of thumb: The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.

When gratitude replaces judgment, peace spreads throughout your body, gentleness embraces your soul, & wisdom fills your mind.

... And then I heard them lift a box, And creak across my soul With those same boots of lead, again, Then space began to toll.

Pick up a yardstick to measure your life against anyone else's, and you've just picked up a stick and beaten up your own soul.

The virtuous soul that is alone and without a master is like a long lone burning coal; it will grow colder rather than hotter.

Mental slavery is mental death, and every man who has given up his intellectual freedom is the living coffin of his dead soul.

The prime duty of help to the poor by the Church is not to bring temporal relief to their needs, but salvation to their souls.

The movement of the soul along the path of duty, under the influence of holy love to God, constitutes what we call good works.

Fantasy, at its best, is balm for the soul. But it is faulty logic to assume that balm is necessarily mind-numbing anesthesia.

Prison life, fortunately, I spent a lot of years, about 18 years with other prisoners, and, as I say, they enriched your soul.

Love must not touch the marrow of the soul. Our affections must be breakable chains that we can cast them off or tighten them.

I've tried them all, I really have, and the only church that truly feeds the soul, day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball.

God of wilderness, God of wildness, lead me to the quiet places of my soul. In stillness, in openness, may I find my strength.

For his sake I'm sorry that Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil, but for our sake and the sake of music I'm glad he did.

And painted portraits have a life of their own that comes from deep in the soul of the painter and where the machine can't go.

No one could tell me where my soul might be; I searched for God but he eluded me; I sought my brother out and found all three.

The value of jazz still has to be clarified. People involve themselves with its superficialities without digging for its soul.

Something about this boat screamed, "I am a very popular model in the world's oil-bearing regions. I cost more than your soul!

The truth was that I could not manage my soul, and I was becoming aware of old age because of my weakness in the face of love.

This really revolutionary revolution is to be achieved, not in the external world, but in the souls and flesh of human beings.

If you're prosperous in soul, you'll be prosperous in whole, regardless of how many and how much physical possessions you have

A sensual life is a ghostly existence where you live on the surface and your soul passes through everything, touching nothing.

But this we know, the obstacle that checked And tripped the body, shot the spirit on Further than target ever showed or shone.

Duty is the grandest of ideas, because it implies the idea of God, of the soul, of liberty, of responsibility, of immortality.

Some sell their soul for the easy road. The devil's always buying. I can't count the ones I've known who fell right into line.

I'm very disturbed to find out that the leader of the Townies has a soul and I'm beginning to develop a bit of a crush on him.

Let love lead your soul. Make it a place to retire to, a kind of monastery cave, a retreat for the deepest core of your being.

I think the secret to happiness is having a Teflon soul. Whatever comes your way, you either let it slide or you cook with it.

I attempted briefly to consecrate myself in the public library, believing every crack in my soul could be chinked with a book.

How, without clothes, could we possess the master organ, soul's seat and true pineal gland of the body social--I mean a purse?

The customer is the immediate jewel of our souls. Him we flatter, him we feast, compliment, vote for, and will not contradict.

If you're facing what looks like a large problem, receive it as a compliment from the Universe. What a great soul you must be!

The soul's illness is more terrible and more difficult to understand than the illness of the body or any other type of malady.

If the soul be happily disposed, every thing becomes capable of affording entertainment, and distress will almost want a name.

The only music I was listening to for ages was old soul. So I wasn't listening to a lot of new music - especially indie music.

If you are doing all you can to the fullest of your ability as well as you can, there is nothing else that is asked of a soul.

We're not troubled at all, but I think...Well, we're Scandinavians! We're Vikings and we have a lot of blackness in our souls.

If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.

At each level of gratitude our soul's capacity deepens, starting with contentment to meaningfulness, and finally, to pure joy.

A lot of my work involves instilling objects with the power of touch - a transference of soul, spirit, energy through actions.

Our souls must become expanded by the contemplation of Nature's grandeur, before we can fully comprehend the greatness of man.

And yet women-good women--frightened me because they eventually wanted your soul, and what was left of mine, I wanted to keep.

I've been influenced heavily by great soul artists. I see myself as a soul singer. I sing from my soul - I write from my soul.

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