The world needs transparent lives, clear souls, pure minds that refuse to be perceived as mere objects of pleasure.

I believe there are many soul mates, because my soul has a lot of different facets and it needs a lot of different.

Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which though doest not.

There's all sorts of soul. There's Irish soul and Native American soul. If it touches you and moves you, it's soul.

We also ascend dazzling and tremendous as the sun, We found our own O my soul in the calm and cool of the daybreak.

Soul-winning is the chief business of the Christian minister; it should be the main pursuit of every true believer.

We love in another's soul whatever of ourselves we can deposit in it; the greater the deposit, the greater the love

Sometimes I need to be a stranger to myself. Only then my soul can show me not what I want, but what I need to see.

God will not damn a lunatic's soul. He knows that the powers of evil are too great for those of us with weak minds.

Where the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surrounding and circumstances are of comparatively little account.

Nature is but an image of wisdom, the last thing of the soul; nature being a thing which doth only do, but not know.

Words dazzle and deceive because they are mimed by the face. But black words on a white page are the soul laid bare.

I know nothing of God or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul.

My only true harmony lies deep within my soul, wherever that is. I know that somehow I am in tune with the universe.

...and the vessel was not full, his intellect was not satisfied, his soul was not at peace, his heart was not still.

Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul. ...There's always something beautiful to be experienced wherever you are.

Here lies William Trollope, Who made these stones roll up; When death took his soul up, His body filled this hole up

I think what I listen to now is what I listened to as a kid which is kind of black American soul. I love soul music.

The concept of 'home' is not just where one resides, but where the heart resides; in the purest depths of the soul.♥

I ask you to write this deeply into your souls . . . the materialistic culture . . . is now on the way to its close.

The love for material things grows like a fungus in the soul and destroys the loveliness of the human heart utterly.

If we had more sleepless nights in prayer, there would be far fewer souls to have a sleepless eternal night in hell.

I'm becoming more and more myself with time. I guess that's what grace is. The refinement of your soul through time.

I sold my soul for knowledge of the future, only to have that very pact render me forever ignorant (Gerald Tarrant).

Flourishing is properly the main human end, and flourishing is activity of soul that succeeds in accord with virtue.

You've always been my best friend, my soul mate, and now I've fallen in love with you too. Why is that such a crime?

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.

Whatever the consequences of staying true to yourself, they're much less than the consequences of selling your soul.

How good is man's life, the mere living! How fit to employ all the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!

In the dance the boundaries between body and soul are effaced. The body moves itself spiritually, the spirit bodily.

Perhaps out there, somewhere, someone is sighing for your absence; and with this thought, my soul begins to breathe.

Whence, then, this worship of the past? The centuries are conspirators against the sanity and authority of the soul.

There is...a spiritual hunger in the world today and it cannot be better cars on longer credit terms.

Unconventional warfare needs to remain the heart and soul of U.S. Special Operations Command and component commands.

People hear the soul, black influence in my voice. I grew up listening to CKLW and all the black stations like WLBS.

To me, art begets art. Painting feeds the eye just as poetry feeds the ear, which is to say that both feed the soul.

Come as you are. If you are the blackest soul out of hell, trust Christ, and that act of trust shall make you clean.

Souls generally do not fall away from Christ because of the Creed; they first have difficulty with the Commandments.

The Egyptians, by the concurrent testimony of antiquity, were among the first who taught that the soul was immortal.

Much sleep is not required by nature, either for our souls or bodies, or for the action in which they are concerned.

It's not about what the equipment does, it's about what you can do through that equipment. That's where the soul is.

I believe that in our constant search for security we can never gain any peace of mind until we secure our own soul.

They were two ruined souls doomed to wander their minds, if not the earth, trying to remember from whence they came.

It is your holy work, to deeply love, honor and respect the precious self that you are, the soul that only you hold.

Some say it's too country, some say it's too rock n' roll. But it's just good music if you can feel it in your soul.

I b'lieve in religion, and one of these days, when I've got matters tight and snug, I calculates to tend to my soul.

France may one day exist no more, but the Dordogne will live on just as dreams live on and nourish the souls of men.

Courage, an independent spark from heaven's bright throne, by which the soul stands raised, triumphant, high, alone.

Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way.

And I believe it to be a signal evidence of the Spirit's presence when the Word is really precious to a man 's soul.

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