Vions are born in the soul of a man or woman who is consumed with the tension between what is and what could be.

Every book has a soul, the soul of the person who wrote it and the soul of those who read it and dream about it.

The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter - in the eye.

Of course it does not apply to me. I am the soul of honor, kindness, mercy and goodness. Trust me in all things.

My soul is not contained within the limits of my body; my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.

I was trying not to be happy, hopeful. I did not believe I deserved happiness or even hope, if you knew my soul.

Whilst the Bihar calamity damages the body, the calamity brought about by untouchability corrodes the very soul.

What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room.

Oh to have you with me, to have you here, not to be alone, but to be with you, my beauty, you of all souls! You.

When the congregation becomes the norm by which sermons are measured, a minister has put a mortgage on his soul.

Coercive power is the curse of the universe, coactive power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul.

Sit quietly and listen for a voice that will say, "Be more silent." As that happens, your soul starts to revive.

Good is something you do, not something you talk about. Some medals are pinned to your soul, not to your jacket.

The words are not mere words. They are the breath and mind, perhaps even the soul, of the person who is reading.

Death is a great revealer of what is in a man, and in its solemn shadow appear the naked lineaments of the soul.

This be my pilgrimage and goal Daily to march and find The secret phrases of the soul, The evangels of the mind.

It's easier to get divorced than to engage in the soul-stretching personal growth that is inevitable in marriage

Relinquishment of burdens and fears begins where adoration and worship of God become the occupation of the soul.

The effect of great and inevitable misfortune is to elevate those souls which it does not deprive of all virtue.

When was the last time you thanked you for always being there for you? Self appreciation soothes an aching soul.

The soul has come to the physical realm to have a direct experience of itself as an "individuation of divinity."

What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.

When you've found another soul who see's in to your own...take good care of each other..and remember to be kind.

To Plato the desire for excessive and special foods ... is a hindrance to the soul's attainment of intelligence.

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.

I like music with soul and passion and the good of humanity. As long as it has those things, I'm all the way in.

It is going to take more than just a couple of good-hearted souls to raise this child. It will take a graveyard.

Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge.

It is delightful some times to sit with an ingenious friend, He understands you before you having said anything.

But we need not fear that we can lose any thing by the progress of the soul. The soul may be trusted to the end.

It's because when we sneeze, our soul flies out our nose and if no one says 'bless you,' the devil can snatch it.

The spirit in which one earns his daily bread means as much to his soul as the bread itself may mean to his body.

Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.

Gideon was an untamed animal behind closed doors, a lover who bared me to the soul every time he made love to me.

Fling away your soul once for all, your own small self; if you will find it again. Count not even on immortality.

Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.

Suffering is the greatest treasure on earth; it purifies the soul. In suffering, we learn who our true friend is.

We are learning to work with intuition, which actually is Soul giving us gentle guidance to make our life better.

Ah! mon Dieu! how the mind shrinks by loving! it is true that the soul does not, but what can one do with a soul?

It is with the soul that we grasp the essence of another human being, not with the mind, nor even with the heart.

Universes collide and conjoin inside us and beyond all is nirvana, the final, absolute resting place of the soul.

Poetry is our heart, our spirit, our soul. Call it whatever; without it, everything else is nothing but hardware.

The human mind cannot be absolutely destroyed along with the body, but something of it remains, which is eternal.

Dance is an art that imprints on the soul. It is with you every moment, it expresses itself in everything you do.

Poor artist! You gave away part of your soul when you painted the picture which you are now trying to dispose of.

A solid and substantial greatness of soul looks down with neglect on the censures and applauses of the multitude.

The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.

By digging into our souls, we often dig up what might better have remained there unnoticed." Alexis Alexandrovich

The unpublished manuscript is like an uncon-fessed sin that festers in the soul, corrupting and contaminating it.

Your cameras can't control the minds of those who know, that you'll even sell your soul just to get a story sold.

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