O, happy the soul that saw its own faults.

Simplicity is the soul of modern elegance.

You can't regulate a soul into a business.

I listen to the wind, the wind of my soul.

You may sell your work, but not your soul.

Forgiveness proceeds from a generous soul.

A friend is simply one soul in two bodies.

An unhealthy soul requires a healthy body.

Souls are made of dawn-stuff and starshine.

Lord! teach me the way my soul should walk.

God created men to test the souls of women.

Each soul on earth is complete unto itself.

Meditation is the soul's perspective glass.

Gazing on beautiful things acts on my soul.

Grief dejects and wrings the tortured soul.

I have given you my soul; leave me my name!

All is worthwhile if the soul is not small.

The cleanest souls are the easiest to soil.

The soul of man was made to walk the skies.

Apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.

Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.

I wanted her body and soul, but body first.

Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.

The soul is stronger than its surroundings.

Nothing short of God can satisfy your soul.

Sinks my sad soul with sorrow to the grave.

Liberty of thought is the life of the soul.

Eloquence the soul, song charms the senses.

A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.

I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul.

Foreigners have souls; the English haven't.

Your body is only the garage for your soul.

Music fills the infinite between two souls.

Friendships I think can also be soul mates.

Spiritual emptiness is a universal disease.

Truly Jesus is the great need of our souls.

Safeguard the health of both body and soul.

Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul.

You wouldn't put your soul in a dishwasher!

I mean, music totally comes from your soul.

The universe is but one vast Symbol of God.

Soul is as necessary in a painting as body.

The work of the artist is to heal the soul.

Poetry helps my soul escape its encasement.

To breathe Paris is to preserve one's soul.

This album was designed to touch your soul.

Science could not fill the hole in my soul.

The soul is strong that trusts in goodness.

Sometimes I think my soul is full of weeds!

God bless the roots! Body and soul are one.

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