I feel like music will be free sooner or later, and I think I'm all for it.

Normally, a loss, it's hard to swallow, but you get over it sooner or later.

Sooner or later, Israel will have to defeat Hamas. There is no way around it.

The sooner we learn to be jointly responsible, the easier the sailing will be.

Look to the past and remember no empire rises that sooner or later won't fall.

What Dataminr tries to do is enable our customers to know about things sooner.

Everybody sooner or later has to drop the luggage and the baggage of illusions.

I think using anti-aging products really helps; the sooner the better, you know?

The sooner we act, the sooner we can start turning the tables on cyberattackers.

All political institutions will end sooner or later. The question is when and how.

If I could have had my baby sooner, I would have, simply to spend more years with him.

The danger with running for president is sooner or later some sound bite is going hit.

I always knew I'd get caught sooner or later. And I knew I would end up going to prison.

Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again.

If you are going to try and hide something, sooner or later people are going to find out.

I don't like awards ceremonies. I'd sooner go to the pub with mates I've known for years.

I learned really late. I started leasing a tour bus, which I wish I had done a lot sooner.

But men never violate the laws of God without suffering the consequences, sooner or later.

Every argument on lynching in the South gets back sooner or later to the question of rape.

No sooner does man discover intelligence than he tries to involve it in his own stupidity.

I'm not really one for regrets, but one thing I do wish is that I'd gone down south sooner.

Sooner or later you learn that you belong in the big leagues, and that makes you calm down.

Sooner or later we've got to tie the saving of the natural world to our own public welfare.

It is every intelligent man's experience that evildoing recoils on the doer sooner or later.

Young children were sooner allured by love, than driven by beating, to attain good learning.

It will be difficult to let go but it is going to happen sooner rather than later in my case.

Tiny steps will get you to your goal months and months sooner. A little is better than a lot.

No sooner than I did take it seriously, I had million-selling hits and movies with John Wayne.

If you have a horse that isn't winning any races, sooner or later you have to get a new jockey.

Live every day as if it is your last, and you'll be correct sooner than you otherwise would be.

I'm consumed with what I didn't do. I know I should've come out sooner, and I'm sorry for that.

As a native Oklahoman, I'm dismayed by what fossil fuel pollution has done to the Sooner State.

Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be 'discovered' by an election.

People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.

The more rapidly a civilization progresses, the sooner it dies for another to rise in its place.

I don't care tuppence whether I'm forced into a leadership position or not. I'd much sooner not.

Golf's not an easy game. You keep working at it and, sooner or later, something good will happen.

All this fuss about sleeping together. For physical pleasure I'd sooner go to my dentist any day.

Sooner or later the arm goes bad. It has to... Sooner or later you have to start pitching in pain.

You could cover the whole earth with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through.

People power is way more powerful than anything. The sooner everyone understands that, the better.

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

A woman who gives any advantage to a man may expect a lover but will sooner or later find a tyrant.

Personally, I would sooner have written Alice in Wonderland than the whole Encyclopedia Britannica.

Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power or the power of God.

Sooner or later, if man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance.

My first world title fight, it surprisingly came so fast, but we knew it would come sooner or later.

I would sooner play in a good British picture than in the majority of American pictures I have seen.

A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.

I find a great deal of comfort and care in my faith and prayer. I'd sooner do without air than prayer.

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