In the Rodgers and Hammerstein generation, popular hits came out of shows and movies.

A Hank Cochran song in the studio is spiritual. It's like singing a hymn in a church.

I'm not here to write a song for you, I'm here to help you write a song for yourself.

Inspiration, move me brightly, light the song with sense and color, hold away despair

The fact that my songs take a long time to write is no guarantee of their excellence.

I wanted to write a song that's known to the world as a classic, stadium-rock anthem.

Watch for all that beauty reflecting from you and sing a love song to your existence.

I've dreamed about performing songs, songs that don't even exist, as a complete song.

I picked up the guitar at 11, but even before then, I was writing songs on the organ.

Happy songs are very difficult to write. How many truly great upbeat songs are there?

Does the song of the sea end at the shore or in the hearts of those who listen to it?

Look for things marked positive to you, like songs, because all dem things are right.

The 'Billionaire' song is what my kids tease me with. They sing it to me. It's funny.

There is no time in modern agriculture for a farmer to write a poem or compose a song

You could name practically any problem in the hood and there'd be a rap song for you.

'Kiss Me.' That's my 'Twilight' tune, a song you'd have on the 'Twilight' soundtrack.

I play popular songs. This is not some obscure, unusual music. This is popular music.

I have all these revelations as I'm writing. Each song is like a chapter of my diary.

I always sang standards because the songs I wrote for myself weren't as easy to sing.

My template for most songs is 'Is this inspiring?' and with the blues it so often is.

I need a new unit to sample and hold, but not an angry one, a new design, new design.

Generally my songs are just some riffs slung together as an excuse for a guitar solo.

A lot of people don't realise I came out of the Smoky Mountains with a load of songs.

Sweet are the pleasures that to verse belong, And doubly sweet a brotherhood in song.

If you're bored of the songs, you're bored of the songs. There's not much you can do.

I always thought songs are movies for the ears and films are like songs for the eyes.

It is not enough to have a song on your lips. You must also have a song in your heart.

I'm getting bored performing the same songs over and over. Songwriting comes and goes.

I've written a lot of songs but I haven't had the opportunity to record a lot of them.

Every single band in the world has these gigantic songs that people are obsessed with.

You know it’s a bad sign when the theme song from Titanic describes your relationship.

Mem'ry All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days Life was beautiful then.

I've never heard a song written from a stepmother's point of view, about their family.

And frankly, when I made that record, hit songs were not what I was trying to achieve.

You're always remembering songs you wanna sing except when you're actually at karaoke.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.

We have recorded songs on the same day that were released years later in other albums.

Any theology that does not lead to song is, at a fundamental level, a flawed theology.

The song of the voice is sweet, but the song of the heart is the pure voice of heaven.

The song of canaries Never varies, And when they're moulting They're pretty revolting.

Festivals are a time to play the songs people know and are looking forward to hearing.

The very best thing you can do is to try to write a song that has some sort of impact.

Words are what make the song. I get a personal vision about what the lyrics are about.

Of course, if you're gonna make a rap song, you're gonna want to sound like Melle Mel.

I sometimes don't know what songs are about for several years after I've written them.

I will be very grateful that I get to go out and play a song and get well paid for it.

You have to bounce in life with joy. Your strength lies in your smiles and your songs.

When I think of folk music, I think of topical songs. And I don't write topical songs.

I swear by this song and by all that I have done wrong, I will make it all up to thee.

The singer alone does not make a song, there has to be someone who hears. -Broken Song

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