I usually start with a lyric or a melody and then build a song around that.

Even if the song meant a lot to me, I would still probably perform it live.

The fate of a song is often established in the first 15 minutes of writing.

There are no bridges in folk songs because the peasants died building them.

A great song will be great forever - it's timeless and classic in that way.

I usually can be more honest writing songs than actually talking to people.

I like duos with percussionists. I like the songs that percussionists sing.

If a girl sings a sexy song, I actually become even more attracted to them.

The open road still softly calls, like a nearly forgotten song of childhood

My dad and I played music. He teaches me a song or two every time I'm home.

I'd rather write great songs because the word "commercial" is so subjective

For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Me and crazy Janey were making love in the dirt singing our birthday songs.

If I could be a doctor and save lives I would, but I can't so I sing songs.

I have always had a certain song in my head, a certain chemistry of sounds.

A great song is the reason you want to jump out of your bed in the morning.

I'm a bit of a magpie: whatever I see or hear or read feeds into the songs.

When people live in accordance with Nature, the song of life becomes sweet.

And of course there must be something wrong In wanting to silence any song.

I keep going back to love when I write songs because I can't figure it out.

Most songs are somewhere between love and death, and mine are no exception.

I'm open to any kind of situation in a song as long as it touches my heart.

The singing in 'Dynamite,' it wasn't easy because the song is high-pitched.

I ain't got no time for a Caribbean cruise, just give me a song and a beer.

Instead of slashing my wrists, I just write a bunch of really crummy songs.

Songs are about just being totally honest and putting those words to music.

Life is so short. I would rather sing one song than interpret the thousand.

Men, even when alone, lighten their labors by song, however rude it may be.

I could hum Beatles songs before I could talk - not very well, but sort of.

Respect Mother Earth and her giving ways or trade away our children's days.

The emotions in a song - the anger, aggression - have got to be legitimate.

Every artist usually has one or two songs that really define their careers.

The world has kissed my Soul with its pain, asking for its return in Songs.

The only reason to write a new song is because you're tired of the old ones.

The ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together.

To me, songs come of their own volition - and with an open-ended philosophy.

A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.

When you're dead, everything in the world is like a song that makes you cry.

Most of you live your life on flimsy little songs, not upon the word of God.

A lot of songs are inspiration and help people through pain, grief and loss.

I'm definitely not going to go and sing a song that condones certain things.

People used to say poems were different to songs but I don't think they are.

I just wrote one song at a time. Kinda like an alcoholic. One day at a time.

I really like the P!nk song with the guy from fun., 'Just Give Me a Reason.'

I'm a really huge John Prine fan; I love his clever conversationalist songs.

In the order named, these are the hardest to control - wine, women and song.

Short swallow-flights of song, that dip Their wings in tears, and skim away.

I believe a No. 1 song starts happening when it's believable and validating.

I write the songs first and in most cases teach myself the technique second.

When two souls compose a single song, The muse fans Livid wrath before long.

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