People who understand Doom don't blink an eye at song lengths.

Let us sing a new song, not with our lips, but with our lives.

If you want to make a song more hummy, add a few tiddely poms.

Doesn't that fool know I recorded that song because I like it?

Better to have the poet's heart than brain, Feeling than song.

Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?

Just like any songwriter, I love it when people sing my songs.

I wish I could end every rap song I didn't like with a buzzer.

May your heart always be joyful. May your song always be sung.

This song goes out to Robin Williams. It's called 'Last Hope'.

For every good song, I write 20 bad ones I have to chuck away.

The reason I do interviews is because I'm protecting my songs.

I do not know who sings my songs / Before they are sung by me.

Anyone can rehearse and play constantly any song in the world.

Original Monkees' songs were produced very thinly, on purpose.

Like a wave on the ocean I will always come right back to you.

I play keyboards and sing. I've written a couple of songs too.

Come ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of Harvest-home!

My audition song is, and has been since 1977, 'I Love a Piano.

A great song will say how you feel better than you ever could.

It would be so nice to write songs that end up being timeless.

Why everything that's supposed to be bad Make me feel so good?

The same faint song is heard in everything: "Behold yourself".

If I'm going to be a caged bird, I'll sing the best song I can.

Without love it is like having a good song without an audience.

An un-named song is like an un-named child, it has no identity.

I have a sweet tooth for song and music. This is my Polish sin.

I remembered their songs but I had never owned a Beatles album.

Well, yeah, I sang to some songs on the radio or in the shower.

You live your life as if it's real.......a thousand kisses deep

'Friday I'm in Love' sounds like the best possible summer song.

You must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a song.

Some of my earlier songs are kind of more about mental illness.

I play my own music. Fans come out to hear the songs I've made.

The song is just the given. It's how you cover it that matters.

Writing songs is super intimate. It's a bit like getting naked.

I will bring more Korean dance moves and Korean songs overseas.

One love, one heart . . . Let’s get together and feel all right

I don't want to be known for anything other than writing songs.

I was always nervous to play my father's [John Lennon's] songs.

The worst thing for a singer/songwriter is to run out of songs.

Songs are often written by people who are witnesses to history.

When you write a song, there's no point keeping it to yourself.

I'm not listening for song ideas; I'm listening for soul ideas.

My songs are like my children. I love every single one of them.

The opening line from a journal can be the beginning of a song.

I can answer anything about any American pop culture song ever.

Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul.

When my dad died a lot of songs came, and they're still coming.

People who have memorized your songs-how can you not love them?

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