Call me an over anxious, middle-class mum, but my eight-and-a-half-year old son looks very much, to me, like he's headed for a life of crime.

I guess I'm like any other concerned father, except that nobody else's son guns a cycle over 17 pickups without holding on to the handlebars.

It is Lucifer, The son of mystery; And since God suffers him to be, He too, is God's minister, And labors for some good By us not understood.

I've lost touch with a lot of that boutique-type music just because of my age, and raising my son and the multiple jobs I have at this point.

My son's always showing me pictures of dinosaurs and asking me what their names are. I dont know so I make stuff up: That son is a thesaurus.

As my father always used to tell me, 'You see, son, there's always someone in the world worse off than you.' And I always used to think, 'So?

Your son at five is your master, at ten your slave, at fifteen your double, and after that, your friend or foe, depending on his bringing up.

On a specific day marked on the earth's calendar, and in a specific place on the earth's map, the Son of God came to the planet. It was love.

If you had to chose one half of your son, which one would it be?" What kind of a question is that?!" No need to snap. It was just a question.

As the mother of a son with disabilities, I try to keep an eye out for news that affects people in the large community of which he is a part.

The miracle of Good Friday is that there was no miracle. Legions of angels stood - with swords sheathed - watching as the Son took our place.

Those of us who came to be Christians get to remember that forgiveness cost God the death of God's son. It's an expensive thing in many ways.

Thank the Lord for using each person as a tool in your life to deepen your insight into His grace and conforming you to the image of His Son.

Work together as a family, even if it may be faster and easier to do the job ourselves. Talk with our sons and daughters as we work together.

Even after the mothering dropped because my son grew up, the writing - the muse - was always the third wheel, the lowest on the priority list.

Oh, there's all these rumors that I'm a lesbian. I have a boyfriend now, Brandon Blackstock; my manager Narvel's son, Reba McEntire's stepson.

On the king's gate the moss grew gray; The king came not. They call'd him dead; And made his eldest son, one day, Slave in his father's stead.

My eldest son George had acute myeloid leukaemia when he was a tiny baby, he is now 20 and doing very well. He is a mini-miracle in many ways.

I spent a lot of time [between takes] apologising to Peter Dinklage [Dance's on-screen son, Tyrion Lannister] because I treat him appallingly.

My son, Laurier, and I love being outdoors. We like to ski and to skate, to play in the snow, and simply to walk and enjoy the winter scenery.

Julian was the son of Diokles of Sparta, also known as Diokles the Butcher. That man made the Marquis de Sade look like Ronald McDonald. (Ben)

Obviously the holy practice (of polygamy) will commence again after the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the ushering in of the millennium.

Sometimes people say that kids with autism aren't capable of love. That's ridiculous. My son loves deeply. He's just doesn't communicate well.

Though I am not imperial, and though Elizabeth may not deserve it, the Queen of England will easily deserve to have an emperor's son to marry.

When I was working a lot, I felt guilty as a parent. I couldn't pick up my son every day from school, bake him cookies and that kind of thing.

Have you dared to eat my son?" I laughed. Actually, it started out as more of a giggle that grew. Because my mind went straight to the gutter.

I am a coolie and the son of a coolie. I was born with the poor, and I am still poor. My sympathies have always been with the struggling mass.

As God’s chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed…unless God steps in.

My son, your ineptitude is so vast, your incompetence so profound, that I am certain you are inhabited by greater power than I have ever known.

The anxiety of most parents in seeing their sons and daughters enlist does not lie only in the fear of the physical dangers they may encounter.

I grew up the son of an acting teacher but I've never been really good at articulating what that process is. It was always a bit more internal.

All of us kids in the neighbourhood had to go shoeless for the same reason - all except the landlord's son, because his father had more income.

After I set out to refute Christianity intellectually and couldn't, I came to the conclusion the Bible was true and Jesus Christ was God's Son.

The biggest thing is having a son. I got attached to him. Seeing him periodically is hard. Watching him grow up on pictures and videos is hard.

Women must begin to "save" themselves and their daughters before they "save" their husbands and their sons; before they "save" the whole world.

My parents were so proud when I got a scholarship to go to theatre school - it was unheard of that a coal-miners son should go to drama school.

At heart, 'Chef' is a daddy-daycare fable about an overextended man who teaches his 10-year-old son the family business and learns to love him.

I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, its possible to get another. There's only one Maltese Falcon.

Leadership is the art of serving God by helping His people become more like His Son through the indefatigable pursuit of His vision and values.

If there are one hundred thousand damned souls for one saved soul, the devil has always the advantage without having given up his son to death.

Jesus did not become the 'GodKlingon' or the 'GodMartian'! Only descendants of Adam can be saved. God's Son remains the 'Godman' as our Savior.

Sure, I want to be the best actor in the world. But my life is my family, my son, my friends. I don't know how anyone can find fault with that.

I think it's more important to pray for my son than go out with my friends drinking at a bar until midnight while he waits for me to come home.

Its a rare thing when a father and son can share the same experience. My father and I have seen all 19 Bond films together, two or three times.

As the son of a Cuban refugee and cousin and nephew to many Cubans on the island, I cringe when Americans visit Cuba for a fun island vacation.

That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.

With my son, I work very hard to keep him away from the press and media and I want an opportunity for him to lead as normal a life as possible.

My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then.

Of course they had more chains on him than Scrooge saw on Marley's ghost, but he could have kicked up dickens if he'd wanted. That's a pun, son.

My son Jack once said to me, 'Dad, do you think people are laughing with you or at you?' And I said, 'I don't care as long as they're laughing.'

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