One cannot sell anything to a satisfied man. Ergo, make him want something new, or take away something that he has and then sell him something to take its place.

I think, often, people who do something new creatively don't benefit financially from it - it's the people who come after and make them palatable that make money.

Every now and then, someone comes along - we used to call it 'New Jack' - tries to do something new, tries to take all the credit, without acknowledging the past.

It would be amazing if something completely spiritual sounding happened. Oh, my gosh! We'd be all over it. Because it's something new about the physical universe.

The knowledge that every day there is something more to learn, something higher to reach for, something new to make for others, makes each day infinitely precious

I'd rather play here in this small bar and just do a good show. Because it's fun and there's no expectations, it's encouragement to be different, do something new.

For designers, the rigidity of an alphabet presents a never-ending artistic challenge: How do you do something new and still preserve the letters' essential forms?

I think that the mark of a great book is that it will meet you wherever you're at and you'll feel and experience something new and different each time you read it.

I have a bad tendency to get rapidly bored with my own material, so rewriting is hard for me. I mean, I already know the story and would rather read something new.

Even if you've being playing together for years, there'll always be something new. You're constantly back phrasing, front phrasing, singing faster, singing slower.

Anyone who says you can't do anything with short hair is wrong! Every day, my style turns into something new, and there are so many different ways you can wear it.

When it was availed to me that I had free time, I chose to go to cooking school every day, six hours a day, like a diploma program. I wanted to learn something new.

Don't keep rewriting and polishing something if it isn't setting the world on fire: start something new instead and consider the earlier story a learning experience.

I don't want to be boring, and I never want people to think it's a snoozefest. I want to find the middle point between looking classic and also trying something new.

I try to go with the flow, and I feel pretty comfortable with who I am. I feel courageous enough to go outside myself and try something new, like everything in life.

I don't live my life based on fear of failure. I live my life with an understanding of failure and I'm embracing it, because every time I fail, I learn something new.

In trying to make something new, half the undertaking lies in discovering whether it can be done. Once it has been established that it can, duplication is inevitable.

What I feel like science fiction fans respond to is just people trying to hit them with something new, something they haven't seen. And if you do that you'll be okay.

I like to come back to the science fiction of Stanislaw Lem. He is comforting but also funny, and although I know his books, there's always something new to discover.

I launched Imperia at the Statue of Liberty because I wanted to use something symbolic. I like American society because it always wants to do something new and better.

Jumping into something new is always challenging with the schedule and the routine and when you can train, and fit that into your life that you already have right now.

The art of bread making can become a consuming hobby, and no matter how often and how many kinds of bread one has made, there always seems to be something new to learn.

It's funny; in fashion, you can never relax and feel like it's all sorted. Every season, you have to give yourself a challenge and come up with something new and fresh.

There were mornings when I just didn't want to get out of bed. But once again, I'm in an adverse situation and having to deal with something new and learn how to do it.

I think audiences ultimately want something new. I think the business model for a franchise is such that it's very low risk because you have data and studios love data.

I'm widest awake as a writer doing something new, engaged in a process I'm not sure I can finish, generating at the edge of my powers. Some people bungee jump; I write.

Fittings are boring, but it's fun when you get to wear something new and go to a new event. I have a massive say in what I wear - I work really closely with my stylist.

Musically, 'Fallen' is a cross between 'Belus' and something new, inspired more by the debut album and 'Det Som Engang Var' than by 'Hvis Lyset Tar Oss' or 'Filosofem.'

I wanted to do something new and different. People expected me to do negative roles. I wanted to break the norm, and because of that, I lost on some great work as well.

A lot of people ask do I want to do NXT, or do I want to do main roster. I would love to be able to start something new and build a UK brand that we can all be proud of.

If you know what you're looking for, that's all you'll get - what's previously known. But when you're open to what's possible, you get something new - that's creativity.

I'm ready to do womenswear. You've always got to be inspired by something new - women have so much more shape and I'm about finding what to engineer around those shapes.

I'm not big on sequels; I've done them, but I like doing little things that have their own timelessness to them, classic type things, and then you go onto something new.

Every day, I bring out something new. You got to be prepared - you got to have a few outfits laying out for when you wake up, in case you want to change, to set the mood.

Confidence is the key. When you're playing something new, find the part you know very well and play it really strong. That'll make you believe that you really do know it.

I make the most money, I think, in Russia and Paris, for the people of those countries are so willing to be amused, so eager to see something new and out of the ordinary.

9/11 occurs, and you're going to rebuild, and after awhile, the memory will be there, but there will be something new there, and different, and functioning, and electric.

Fortunately, many people also enjoy a stand-alone as a sample of something new, like trying the special at a favourite restaurant one night instead of going for the usual.

No writing effort is ever wasted. At the very least, it's practice, and a writer never knows when he or she might usefully cannibalize an earlier effort for something new.

I try something new every night. It's an hour show; if it works I maybe try it a few more times and then move that off and try something new. It's a great workshop for me.

Games are a media that relies on technology to be innovative and forward thinking and interesting. Personally, I love being at that forefront when something new comes out.

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.

A large part of my life revolves around my dad. Sometimes, I even feel a strong sense of connection, something very tangible when I learn something new in the martial arts.

So this anchoring in some way, in some important way in the past without repeating the past, but on the basis of the past building something new: that is what is important.

There is so much to learn from boxing, you can never have learnt everything; anybody who says they know it all is lying. You can't - there is always something new to learn.

Something new has the chance to speak to someone immediately. There isn't this expectation of what they're about to hear, so people can be really captivated, really quickly.

Most musicians make the same record every time, and that's fine. But the people I respected when I was growing up, like Jeff Beck - they weren't afraid to try something new.

Production wants a miracle on every movie. They want us to do something new and amazing - but then they give you a 55-year-old actor with sciatica who doesn't want to train.

Once you reach a certain age with radio stations, you've got to be an oldie but a goodie. If you wanna do something new, you've got to find a new way to present it to people.

It's super easy to do what Conor does. He earned something. Then, he looks over the fence - he looks for something new - and it's very easy to be motivated for something new.

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