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'Step Brothers 2' would have been fun, there's no doubt about it. Maybe someday. Does that idea age? I don't know. It all depends on how the movie ages.
I like storytelling movies and more than that I like historical movies; and I think someday I'll definitely make a movie about the past 50 years history.
Songs for me are like a message in a bottle. You send them out to the world, and maybe the person who you feel that way about will hear about it someday.
People say they are inventing electric cars. Well, where is the electricity coming from? Flowers? Maybe someday. But what is available now is oil and gas.
I never really thought I would be a Bollywood actress. However, I am a drama queen at home, so I guess Bollywood was bound to happen someday or the other.
Friends of mine that are from here or that have spent time here have told me about Israel and how warm the people are and that I should someday come here.
My own ambition, my deepest and truest ambition, is to find within myself someday, somehow, the ability to do likewise, to do NOTHING - and find it enough.
History may someday record that the Arab awakening that began with the Arab revolt of 1916 against the Ottomans ended about a century later with a whimper.
We are united in the hope that every individual will someday enjoy at least the intellectual privileges we have had, if not always the material advantages.
It is my great hope someday, to see science and decision makers rediscover what the ancients have always known. Namely that our highest currency is respect.
I don't know about young Thor and King Thor getting their own series someday, although it would be nice if I could write three Thor series at the same time.
Maybe someday, if I work hard enough, entertainment will be a career for me, but right now making videos and uploading them to the Internet is just a hobby.
Waiting, waiting, waiting. All my life, I've been waiting for my life to begin, as if somehow my life was ahead of me, and that someday I would arrive at it.
Someday, the capitalist system will disappear in the United States, because no social class system has been eternal. One day, class societies will disappear.
One of the things I would love to do is Axe Cop, which is a comic book. I would like to be involved in Axe Cop someday. I would also love to be in a Western.
If you walk through life in a fighting pose with your fists balled up and ready to strike, someone, someday, somewhere, is going to want to test your mettle.
If you can sing to a room of 60 people who don't give a damn, then if, someday, you're playing to people who really want to hear your music, that's not hard.
I'd love to build a company that will continue to make movies well beyond me someday. And I'd like to help start something great, even investing in it myself.
Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
I've said all along that someday I wanted to go back home and play in Flordia. I played high school and college ball in Flordia and all my ties are back home.
I love dresses, and I've definitely thought about designing them someday. I just want to make sure that I wait until the time is perfect and I can do it right.
He no longer represented someday a possibility. He represented a road not taken a road that suddenly shot so far into the distance she couldn’t see it anymore.
I hope someday what people can do with their lives depends on their talents and how hard they are willing to work, rather than on where they happen to be born.
I hope that it can relate to and be a blessing to anybody, with the hope that someday they will find Jesus Christ to be the same God that I've found Him to be.
I didn't grow up thinking to myself, 'Someday, if I play all my cards right, I can end up in a public institution with a lower approval rating than attorneys.'
Oh, I'm dying to play Donald Trump someday, just because he's an unbelievable character. I'm a character actor; that's what you look for: outsized human beings.
Someday, I plan to buy a house in Goa, do only one movie a year, and spend the rest of time painting, learning how to cook, cooking for friends, and doing yoga.
I've always had a penchant for dialects. I remember getting detention and being told, 'Have a think about where doing these funny voices might get you someday.'
Another term for preventive war is aggressive war - starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition.
As far as what readers can expect with 'Maybe Someday,' I'm not the type of writer who writes to educate or inform my readers. I simply write to entertain them.
God knows when the end of time will come, not some fanatic... The world will end someday, but the end of the world and the end of time are two different things.
As an actor, you know every job you have is going to end someday. That's not so much different than the rest of the world; we just don't have illusions about it.
One of the things I would love to do is 'Axe Cop,' which is a comic book. I would like to be involved in 'Axe Cop' someday. I would also love to be in a Western.
Quelque rigueur qui loge en votre coeur, Amour s'en peut un jour rendre vainqueur. That little harshness which resides in your heart, Love will vanquish someday.
Perhaps the great American Republic, whose interests lie in the Pacific and who has no hand in the spoliation of Africa, may someday dream of foreign possession.
You, too, will someday die, perhaps under inconvenient circumstances, at a time when you do not particularly wish to, and for causes that you cannot yet predict.
We keep waiting for the American people to wake up, and they keep hitting the snooze bar. But something, folks, someday, will wake them up. Of that I'm confident.
I've been known to make out with girls from time to time. Couple drinks involved, you know. It's fun. And who knows? Maybe it'll go further someday. I don't know.
When I have a family someday, I'll probably adopt. Adoption has always been something close to my heart. There are so many kids out there who really need a family.
I used to like taking pictures. I wanted to capture precious moments and make them mine. I wanted to hang on to everything that might someday become a fond memory.
Someday, Will, I will go where none can follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Have you ever asked yourself why I agreed to be your parabatai?
I took a Russian class at Notre Dame. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fly someday in a Russian spacecraft with two cosmonauts, speaking only Russian.
So it's possible that someday, by understanding a little bit more about how the world works, it will come back to help us in some other way that will be surprising.
Sting! I mean, come on - whoe doesn't love Sting? Even if you love Megadeath, you have respect for Sting. If you love Pokemon, you'll find out who Sting is someday.
Let this be our time in history so that someday we can tell our children and grandchildren that we were there, that we changed the course of history for the better.
And some day well remember so much that well build the biggest goddam steamshovel in history and dig the biggest grave of all time and shove war in and cover it up.
I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming.
Someday, I'm going to meet some supernatural creature who tells me everything I should know up front and in a forthright manner - but I'm not going to hold my breath.
I would like to have a movie under my own control sometime, and see what could be done with it. Who knows? Maybe Hollywood will make an improvisational movie someday.
Whatever comes my way, I appreciate and do my best at, and if it were to fade someday, I guess I would find something else. But I just don't plan the future, I guess.