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For too long, we've attached some mythic notion to government solutions, and yet, 40 years after we began the War on Poverty, poverty still abounds.
Chinese engineers have spent years finding solutions to the problems of building a railway line on permafrost ground at altitudes above 4,000 metre.
The more there is a European solution to a theoretical, but possible, problem in the markets, the less we will have to talk about an I.M.F. solution.
It's important the sheriff and the D.A. work with the community to realize real-world solutions. If they make decisions in silos, it will fall short.
We will continue to look for innovative solutions to combat the climate crisis, grow our economy, and leave behind a healthier world for our children.
We do not yet have the solutions to these questions, but the awareness that we live in an endangered world is present in more and more life situations.
I sit on the House Judiciary Committee, where we've been actively working on concrete solutions to fix our nation's immigration policy, piece-by-piece.
Elected leaders in government and our men and women in uniform face a range of unprecedented challenges and pressures that demand innovative solutions.
The shape and solutions of the future rely totally on the collective effort of people working together. We are all an integral part of the web of life.
All of our movies are lower budget, and that makes them more interesting, too: we have to come up with solutions other than throwing money at problems.
Technological innovation is bringing digital solutions to sectors that have previously lacked access to technology, including the non-profit community.
Georgians aren't interested in labels or affiliation, they're interested in solutions. And that begins by making Washington smaller and America bigger!
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.
The exciting results from the Hubble, other satellites and probes would not have been possible without innovative solutions to many technical problems.
I'm interested in talking to people and dealing with people who are set and ready for change and action. Who get it. And who are looking for solutions.
We know that solving homelessness has to be about more than simply introducing a new raft of government initiatives, task forces and top-down solutions.
The thermodynamic properties of electrolyte solutions can be determined from the measurements of the voltage between electrodes reversible to both ions.
If there are challenges thrown across, then some interesting, innovative solutions are found. Without challenges, the tendency is to go on the same way.
Changes to weather patterns that move crop production areas around - we'll adapt to that. It's an engineering problem, and it has engineering solutions.
Both Poland and Canada should be advocates of long-'lasting, peaceful solutions in eastern Ukraine, based on unconditional respect of international law.
Political parties need to look at the different kinds of support that people may need, suited to their way of life, and provide cost-effective solutions.
We are the first company anywhere in the hospitality sector to introduce technology-based solutions to the suppliers side to help them manage operations.
Environmentalists get in the way. They often ask the right questions, but they're chasing the wrong answers - often hypothetical or uneconomic solutions.
It's one thing to recognize that the gap between the rich and everybody else is growing like a cancer; it's another thing to come up with useful solutions.
Only in the mystery novel are we delivered final and unquestionable solutions. The joke to me is that fiction gives you a truth that reality can't deliver.
People who imagine and implement solutions to challenges in their own lives, in their communities, in our country and in our world have always inspired me.
Business is a string of seemingly impossible problems looking for solutions. Each problem you solve creates a new barrier to entry for your next competitor.
Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they're going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems.
Global challenges also require global solutions, and few indeed are the situations in which the United States or any other country can act completely alone.
Democrats refuse to deal with reality. They make things up, sensationalize common sense solutions, and exacerbate this obsession over political correctness.
Experience through freedom is the only means to arrive at the truth and the best solutions; and there is no freedom if there is not the freedom to be wrong.
I've been an entrepreneur all my life, and my recent focus is on finding entrepreneurial solutions to address global challenges in healthcare and education.
A women under stress is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood.
The endorsement process is an evolution. What you try to do is you endorse someone that you believe in and their ideas and their solutions align with yours.
It's fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about America, about conservative solutions, about the Republican Party. I utterly reject that pessimism.
It is our job above all in politics to tackle the big issues and to explain them, and have the honesty to say to people, 'There are no easy solutions here.'
As a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus, I'm committed to finding consensus on legislation to address our environmental and energy challenges.
I think it does suggest that the American people really do want to listen to somebody who actually has some solutions, some answers, and gives them some hope.
The challenges our state faces must be met with the best solutions and ideas we can muster - and good ideas and good people reside on both sides of the aisle.
It is time for everyone to sit down - the NCAA, the NBA, the players union and the coaching fraternity - and come up with suitable solutions to these problems.
I think that all comics or humorists, or whatever we are, ask questions. That's what we're supposed to do. But I not only ask the questions, I offer solutions.
Where you have 20 people who all share roughly the same educational and life experiences, they're going to come up with the same solutions to the same problems.
No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation, litigation, enforcement, customer education, and technology solutions.
What inspires me most are people who imagine and implement solutions to challenges in their own lives, in their communities, in our country and around the world.
People are sitting in traffic longer, and the types of solutions that are needed to relieve that congestion are ones that are paid for by the Highway Trust Fund.
Good politics starts with empathy, proceeds to analysis, then sets out values and establishes the vision, before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions.
As a member of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and the Co-Chair of the Invasive Species Caucus, I'll continue to be an independent voice for our district.
Whether addressing immediate crises or building long-term foundations of peace, the United Nations will remain committed to solutions that advance the global good.
If he truly thinks he can be president, Donald Trump needs to understand that we need real solutions - not more walls and giveaways to polluting special interests.
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