If I sold something, and it didn't perform, I'd never forgive myself.

We could be as rich as the Rolling Stones if we sold as many records.

'The Outsiders' died on the vine being sold as a drugstore paperback.

You know, honestly, if a girl can make me laugh, I'm pretty much sold.

I said we're going to leave phones, and so we did. We sold it to Sony.

Overnight ratings are dead. It's just not the way TV is sold any more.

All has been looted, betrayed, sold; black death's wing flashed ahead.

I'm only a product like a cake of soap, to be sold as well as possible.

I was never a rah-rah person. I never sold drugs or did anything crazy.

Principles, convictions and motives are neither sold nor bargained for!

We've sold over 100,000 records so far, and we're an independent label.

I was adrift for a while. I worked as a substitute teacher; I sold cars.

I buy very little of what's sold to me in the church. Very, very little.

I love games, and I feel they've been sold short shrift in films so far.

I think in Europe, movies are made like a commodity and then sold as art.

I was a bartender, a hot-dog vendor, a cook, sold magazine subscriptions.

I bought a white Panamera - and then sold it because I had no use for it.

Today the white child is sold for two dollars a week to the manufacturers.

I sold 2 million records on Loud, which was one-tenth of the size of Sony.

I have a following. Whenever I am on tour they come. It is always sold out.

I grew up in North Carolina. My father was a salesperson; he sold textiles.

The books I've written the fastest were the best reviewed and sold the best.

When I was being sold into marriage, it was hard to see a future for myself.

I don't know how much money I've made, don't know how many albums I've sold.

With 'House Party 4,' I did it with my own money, and I sold it to New Line.

In Nigeria, my grandma sold everything - everything - for my mum's education.

I sold some shares, but on a net basis, significantly increased my ownership.

Graham-Cassidy treats health care as a commodity that can be bought and sold.

A best-seller was a book which somehow sold well because it was selling well.

How could they call him wacko? He's sold more records than anybody in history.

Other than things like toothpaste, I don't buy anything that isn't sold to me.

When I sold my first company at 30, I could have done whatever I wanted to do.

Paperbacks of those we deem classics should be cheap and sold at supermarkets.

I have tons of fans in Canada. I've sold hundreds of thousands of books there.

I am criticizing a culture that has sold the big lie that 'Mom doesn't matter.'

I sold a million books because I have a lot of fans, not because people hate me.

Show business is my life. When I was a kid I sold insurance, but nobody laughed.

In 20 years I had sold more records for RCA than any artist except Elvis Presley.

I cranked out a book. I didn't expect it to do much, but it's sold 80,000 copies.

I like a man who can build things. Whittle me something out of wood and I'm sold.

I'm not interested in being commodified. I'm not into being sold. I'm not a slave.

I'm stronger knowing that while Donna Rice could be sold, she could not be bought.

Most stocks bought and sold on Wall Street are held in what's called 'street name.'

I've had business sense since I was very young. I sold chicken eggs when I was six.

I started writing 'The Lobster Kings' the day after I sold my first novel, 'Touch.'

Our first record, 'Huey Lewis And The News', was seen by no one - it sold 25 copies.

I've written about 15 screenplays and they all sold - they were all sold on pitches.

My first four cars, I flipped - not sold them, literally rolled them or flipped them.

My maternal grandfather owned a grocery store that also sold kosher meat. He did well.

My movies continue to be found and be sold because there's something going on in them.

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