Let us, therefore, not be weary of well-doing; for we shall reap an eternal harvest of comfort, if we faint not.

When I was 12, I had a coach tell me I would never be a championship pitcher. That devastated me. I was crushed.

This is the highest wisdom that I own; freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew.

You could be the world's best garbage man, the world's best model; it don't matter what you do if you're the best.

Baseball wasn't necessarily my first sport in terms of liking it. I'd never played baseball or softball growing up.

If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.

Sometimes we get so afraid of hitting bad shots (making bad pitches), we don't let ourselves hit (pitch) good ones.

In softball . . . , the softball gods giveth and the softball gods taketh away, but that evens out over the season.

I was a bit of a tomboy, so I played softball and basketball. Then I was also a cheerleader. And I played flute too.

I played baseball when I was younger, but the idea of the college scholarship enticed me to switch over to softball.

We have North Shore, Hawaii and Lost all there, so they have softball tournaments between the casts. It's hilarious.

Regardless of where you're pitching, regardless of what goes on before or after your game, you still have to be ready.

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation.

We're prepared, and we've done everything we can to prepare for this moment in time. That's what confidence is all about.

If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it.

To a winner, complacency and overconfidence can be destructive. To losers, desperation and despondency are just as harmful.

I was a shortstop in softball, and a lot of times I had collisions with base runners coming in, so I definitely have scars.

Regardless of what you do put in, every game boils down to doing the things you do best and doing them over and over again.

I don't know what a softball question is. All I know is I have no agenda. I ask short questions, and I listen to the answer.

I played sports year around: basketball, soccer, softball and I ran track year around, from the time I was, like, six, seven.

I'm E Money because I'm money when it counts. Not sure exactly where or when it started, but I was called it in softball, too.

I played Little League and in high school. I played more over the years whenever there was a pick-up game... usually softball.

What are the critical success factors of your job? What must you be absolutely, positively excellent at doing to be successful?

Making the transition from softball to bobsleigh was difficult, but my family and friends believed in me when no one else would.

When I stood up there as a pinch hitter, I honestly believed I was the best hitter in the game. That's the only attitude to have.

When I throw a softball, there's no time to think about the motion of my arm. I just look at the first baseman's glove and react.

You have people telling you how good you are and all of a sudden, you might start believing it and forget what it takes to be good.

Although it is disappointing that softball was not reinstated into the Olympics, we are going to continue to keep growing the sport.

The ones who are successful are the ones who really want it. You have to have that inner drive otherwise it's not going to work out.

I play rec softball sort of religiously. I'm a huge baseball fan. When I lived in New York City, I'd go to a Yankees game every week.

You name the sport, I've played it. I was quarterback for a football team one year, played volleyball, played softball - you name it.

I converted from softball. We've got volleyball, we've got track and field. Athletes come from anywhere and then convert into bobsled.

You only fail if you don't finish the game. If you finish you win. You have to measure what you started out with by what you overcome.

There is a way to play this game physically, but it's the mental part that's going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze.

I was an umpire at little league softball games. I only lasted a few games because I wasn't one hundred percent clear on all the rules.

It's a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense.

Every time you go out there, you want to be a little nervous, have a little bit of butterflies in your stomach and get the juices flowing.

My dad was a baseball coach, and then I switched to softball. Baseball was all I knew until I crossed over. It never seemed like a big deal.

My advice is that going to the Olympics and winning a gold medal are great goals, but the real goal should be to be the best that you can be.

I'm not exceptionally fast or overly powerful. But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter.

Competition in its best form is a test of self. It has nothing to do with medals. The winner is the person who gets the most out of themselves.

Make it a point to be around those with positive energy - people who want what's best for you, people who understand your goals and priorities.

Republicans now have their own network in Fox, so guys who don't like to answer questions, like Trent Lott, have a place to go to hit softballs.

The White House softball team played the pro-marijuana lobbyists' team and lost 25-3. Still no word yet on which side President Obama played for.

High school sports: where lessons of life are still being learned, and where athletes still compete for the love of the game and their teammates.

I enjoy sports, and love being involved in any outdoor sport from volleyball to softball. I'm not being immodest when I say I'm a natural athlete.

Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off.

My college coach was a baseball guy. So why is no one questioning why a baseball player is coaching or analyzing softball when the reverse happens?

Softball has given me so much in life. It's taught me the kind of person I want to be, and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband.

Pressure bursts pipes. I thank God for giving me peace of mind to overcome pressure. The difference between winning and losing is when pressure hits.

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