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'X Factor' did a lot for me, but things truly started to take off for me when I went to social media.
My fans are always upset because I don't do projects frequently and because I don't use social media.
Most of our fans don't get to interact with us or know our personalities except through social media.
I first started using social media when I was 12 or something - not publicly; I had private accounts.
The leverage and influence social media gives citizens are rapidly spreading into the business world.
You have to be really careful with what you put out on social media and who you're talking to online.
I'm not sure whether it's going to be the downfall of Rome - social media. There are too many secrets.
One of the things I've become immune to is people talking about market cap and social media platforms.
I myself get nervous when I write something on social media. I make sure I don't write anything wrong.
Social media is called social media for a reason. It lends itself to sharing rather than horn-tooting.
You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog - it's about the lure - not the rod.
I used to share my everyday life on the first social media platforms, and I had a pretty big following.
That's the thing with social media: it's a gift and a curse. It's cool on one level, but it's also bad.
The influence of social media is unbelievable. It's sad to see - it's a fake life that some people live.
Social media is just a platform. What some people decide to do with it results in something good or bad.
I have a choice - I can either watch all the dailies, or I can follow the social media. I can't do both.
There's no social media or Googling yourself. You only have to do it once to learn never to do it again.
When you meet people you've interacted with on social media, they are not like they are on social media.
Much like great products, great content will only find the best people to love it if it's leveraged well.
Social media is a weird thing. People have their keyboard and no face... they can say whatever they want.
It's amazing how much information we share in social media, then we wonder why people steal our identity.
I have an amazing social media manager, Allison Peters, who is one of my closest friends since childhood.
When it comes to social media tea, I recommend that you take it offline. Keep your comments at Happy Hour.
I've been very careful to always make clear that I am a real person. That's why I'm on social media a lot.
You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful.
I think social media has amplified a lot of voices that maybe traditional media hasn't perfectly portrayed.
I think social media has taken over for our generation. It's a big part of our lives, and it's kind of sad.
My generation was born to work with social media - it's a natural part of our communication with the world.
I'm trying to embrace social media because it gives artists a little more power than we've had in the past.
Social media has had a corrosive effect on government and trust, and I think it is a real cause for concern.
It's a huge mistake not to embrace social media. We need to stay in touch and stay relevant to young people.
Social media is an amazing tool, but it's really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact.
My purpose, which I finally found thanks to social media, is helping all of these people find their purpose.
The image of myself that I give on social media isn't actually who I am; it's not 100 percent me, obviously.
I share so much of my life on social media, and I love the honest connection with the people that follow me.
I think there should be regulations on social media to the degree that it negatively affects the public good.
Social media provides a constant platform on which to feature what we deem beautiful, meaningful, and worthy.
I just don't do much social media. No, it is more important to strike a balance between ballet and real life.
Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human values, not identities.
You can still say whatever you want to say on social media, but you have to be willing to stand by your words.
Social media, despite its reputation as the ultimate agent of self-promotion, actually feeds on self-loathing.
As you live your life and accumulate friends, both IRL and on social media, ask yourself, are you a bully too?
My heritage is Pakistani, and I have loads of Pakistani fans on social media who I would love to connect with.
I'm very lucky. I'm not too exposed to social media and is going quite well for me. I like to have my privacy.
Our attention spans have been reduced by the immediate gratification provided by smartphones and social media.
Most of the serious disagreement I get comes through email or social media, where people are more comfortable.
Social media is the future, with employers recognizing they need to start hiring people with the right skills.
Like all technology, social media is neutral but is best put to work in the service of building a better world.
My experience investigating foreign propaganda operations predated the proliferation of social media platforms.
Social media is its own sort of thing: Twitter and Facebook have changed the way everyone perceives everything.