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A lot has changed due to the rise of smartphones and the proliferation of social media: today, visual content is the language of our time.
Technology and communicating with people online or through a phone or through social media - it's a false sense of intimacy and connection.
A lot of people use social media to share mundane things or for self-glorification. I try to use it to share interesting things with people.
I shut down social media because I needed to shut out online distractions and engage with the people, issues, and work right in front of me.
Social media, like blogs, are truth-seeking technologies. In fact, the Internet itself is the greatest truth-generating device ever created.
Especially in the day and age now with social media and cameraphones and things like that, you always have to act like you're being watched.
I try to keep it really real on my social media, whether it's me training or working out, whether it's me practicing or failing at something.
Social media, for me, is about interacting with people who follow my career. I don't think my relationship has anything to do with my career.
We always talk about bullying, bullies; that is what social media is. It's just people we gave a voice to who didn't deserve to have a voice.
Social media, to me, is like a marriage. You have to foster it and take care of it and commit to it. And you have to understand your partner.
I personally run my social media, so I read all the messages. I get amazing messages. I try to respond as much as possible. Slow, but steady.
Social media teams can and do launch clever campaigns, but game-changing Social Business initiatives are typically driven by management teams.
I would be much less stressed out without social media. I am constantly afraid of getting hacked. It's like being afraid of stepping on glass.
There is a fundamental shift that social media necessitates in business today - the need to transition from 'Me First' to 'We First' thinking.
If you publish something in traditional media, it's one-way. With social media, we get all this info coming back from those who read our posts.
Social media demands a lot of us on top of our already demanding lives. So let's disconnect as we need to and renew our interest and ourselves.
With social media now, everybody's faceless, but I assume these kids sending me pictures of myself of Instagram are twelve, thirteen years old.
I was doing a little modeling on the side. Then 'ANTM' found me on social media, and it pretty much flipped my life around, all for the better.
I knew I always wanted to be 50 percent social media and 50 percent traditional media. Because I believe the stars of the future will need both.
Twitter became a major place to find out what was breaking on the Internet. Facebook became a place to share links. Social media really grew up.
Every social media post should have a beautiful graphic. If there are two identical stories, the one with the beautiful graphic will always win.
Social media can be a powerful tool to listen to, engage with and gain access to customers that you would otherwise not be able to connect with.
Social media affords me an opportunity to interact with fans on a daily basis, not just for a few seconds apiece at a science-fiction convention.
Musically, I wear many hats. I'm the social media director. I conceptualise the videos, write the songs, do the press. I'm not a major label act.
Conversations among the members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations.
I got involved early on in social media - I created one of the first social networks - and for me, social gaming was a natural evolution of that.
I was with Shaq at his home the day he retired. It was innovative for him to become the media and announce via social media that he was retiring.
Technology has allowed me to reach my fans directly. Social media: it has been a complete revolution of how to interact, promote and share things.
I was kind of loathe to go on social media. I find the trolling unacceptable, and I never wanted to look like I was someone who would accept that.
Everybody wants to be a celebrity, which is why we have this phenomenon of social media, where nobody wants to be private. We all want to be seen.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking our careers will come to a standstill, or worse, crash and burn if we aren't social media butterflies.
Social media can be dangerous. People hide behind their computers and write negative things, so I like to keep it about communicating with my fans.
Social media has changed our lives forever. Some continue to reject social media, refusing to become one of the sheep, but you just can't avoid it.
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets have a great deal of information about all of us - and the government wants to be able to see it.
Social media is something I approach organically. It's all me! Sometimes I'll post four things in a few hours, but then I could go dark for a week.
Social media has truly helped my career because it has given models a voice. And a voice is something that we want to see a change in the industry.
I love social media and the ability to connect to new people through Twitter and Facebook and share my real time experiences with my mommy network.
One of the reasons I don't do social media is that I like the feeling that if somebody asks me for a picture on the street, I don't have to say yes.
My social media is riddled with me speaking out on stuff that matters because silence is a petri dish for hate. For me, it's important to speak out.
My e-books sales have overtaken everything else, so I think all the marketing has become very much driven by the author now because of social media.
The reason people need advice on using social media is that they're a much more complex and nuanced way to communicate than a conversation or email.
Amongst high unemployment rates, a competitive job market and a shrinking global economy, the emerging social media industry only continues to grow.
Social media is a great way to get discovered in the industry because it's free, it's worldwide, and everyone's on it - a very powerful combination.
There was never a game plan to be on social media. Like most things in life, if you work consistently and at your pace, then things fall into place.
Proud parents document the arrival and growth of their future CIA officer in all forms of social media that the world can access for decades to come.
Chefs have always been leaders, but now, because of social media and the evolution of the chef identity, we have a voice that expands beyond cooking.
The value of being connected and transparent is so high that the roadbumps of privacy issues are much lower in actual experience than people's fears.
Everyone has a really short attention span nowadays with social media, our phones. Even me - I can't go without touching my phone every five minutes.
There are a lot of pros and cons about social media; it's just how you choose to handle it and how you have to be prepared for the negatives as well.
I keep getting advice on the social media that I should be selective in accepting roles. But, as an actor, I get attracted to every role I'm offered.